| Arnaud Rebillout (arnaudr) is a Debian maintainer, he joined the team in 2021 to work on Kali development and maintenance. |
| Ben Wilson (g0tmi1k) is a senior developer who has worked on most areas inside of Kali. He also is an OffSec live instructor, maintains Exploit Database and the founder of VulnHub. |
| Carsten Boeving (Re4son) looks after our NetHunter platform and maintains the NetHunter App Store. He also does research and development into new technologies and use cases for Kali, such as LXD, Btrfs, and Win-KeX. |
| Daniel Ruiz de Alegría (DяA) is a computer geek passionate about anything related to technology, from software to hardware. He loves programming but also designing, all great projects deserve an awesome design, even the most simple ones. His role in Kali Linux, is to ensure everything looks stunning. |
| Jim O’Gorman (elwood) is the Chief Content and Strategy officer for OffSec and leads the Kali team. He has helped write a couple of books, teaches OffSec courses, and does a lot of meetings. |
| Joe O’Gorman (Gamb1t) does the QA work for the releases, packaging for Kali, helps maintain the Kali-Docs, and other duties. |
| Raphaël Hertzog (buxy) is an experienced Debian developer and consultant, author of the well known Debian Administrator’s Handbook. He’s the packaging wizard in our team and manages our continuously growing development infrastructure. |
| Steve Klimaszewski (steev) does our ARM development for Kali Linux. He has been working with and on ARM devices since 2009. |