NetHunter CAN-Arsenal

Table of Contents

CAN-Arsenal is used to communicate with CAN Bus for testing, diagnostics or car hacking.

Warning : Actually in Experimental Version


This button will redirect to the following documentation.


This button will install needed CAN tools and packages. Note that it shouldn’t be needed as it should be launched at first run of CAN Arsenal.


This button will update the installed CAN tools and packages.


Settings are used to configure CAN Arsenal toolset.


Interface section is used to Start or Stop CAN, VCAN or SLCAN interface.


Start CAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface” and “UART Speed” in Settings

CAN Interface should respect the following format : can0-9 (such as can0, can1, can2…)

Start CAN Interface - Used command :

sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> type can bitrate <UART Speed>
sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> up

Stop CAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface” in Settings

CAN Interface should respect the following format : can0-9 (such as can0, can1, can2…)

Stop CAN Interface - Used command :

sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> down


Start VCAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface” and “MTU” in Settings

VCAN Interface should respect the following format : vcan0-9 (such as vcan0, vcan1, vcan2…)

Start VCAN Interface - Used command :

ip link add dev <CAN Interface> type vcan
ip link set <CAN Interface> mtu <MTU>
ip link set <CAN Interface> up

Stop VCAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface” in Settings

VCAN Interface should respect the following format : vcan0-9 (such as vcan0, vcan1, vcan2…)

Stop VCAN Interface - Used command :

sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> down 
sudo ip link delete <CAN Interface>


Start SLCAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface”, “USB Device”, “CAN Speed”, “UART Speed” and “Flow Control” in Settings

SLCAN Interface should respect the following format : slcan0-9 (such as slcan0, slcan1, slcan2…)

CAN USB Adapter should be plugged in your device and hit refresh button to set USB Device with you’r plugged adapter.

Start SLCAN Interface - Used command :

sudo slcan_attach -f -s<CAN Speed> -o <USB Device>
sudo slcand -o -s<CAN Speed> -t <Flow Control> -S <UART Speed> <USB Device> <CAN Interface>
sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> up

Stop SLCAN Interface - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “CAN Interface” and “USB Device” in Settings.

SLCAN Interface should respect the following format : slcan0-9 (such as slcan0, slcan1, slcan2…)

CAN USB Adapter should be plugged in your device and hit refresh button to set USB Device with you’r plugged adapter.

Stop SLCAN Interface - Used command :

sudo ip link set <CAN Interface> down
sudo slcan_attach -d <USB Device>


Can-Utils : CanGen

Used to generate CAN Bus Traffic.

CanGen - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set in Settings.

CanGen - Used command :

cangen <CAN Interface> -v

Can-Utils : CanSniffer

Used to sniff CAN Bus Traffic.

CanSniffer - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set in Settings.

CanSniffer - Used command :

cansniffer <CAN Interface>

Can-Utils : CanDump

Used to dump CAN Bus traffic to an output file.

CanDump - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set with “Output” path in Settings.

CanDump - Used command :

candump <CAN Inteface> -f <Output Log>

Can-Utils : CanSend

Used to replay a specific sequence to CAN bus.

CanSend - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set with “Sequence” in Settings.

CanSend - Used command :

cansend <CAN Interface> <Sequence>

Can-Utils : CanPlayer

Used to replay dumped sequences from a log file to CAN bus.

CanPlayer - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set with “Input” path in Settings.

CAN Interface will be taken from the Input Log, check that your interface is the same one. (If you dump with vcan0, you should replay with vcan0)

CanPlayer - Used command :

canplayer -I <Input Log>

Custom Script : SequenceFinder

You can see the source code here.

Used to find the exact sequence of the desired action from a log file.

This custom script will auto split a log files using head and tail. Replay theses with user input in loop using CanPlayer, until finding the exact sequence of the desired action. Finally it replay it using CanSend.

SequenceFinder - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set with “Input” path in Settings.

CAN Interface will be taken from the Input Log, check that your interface is the same one. (If you dump with vcan0, you should replay with vcan0)

SequenceFinder - Used command :

/opt/car_hacking/ <Input Log>


Used to diagnose your car.

Freediag - Used command :


Freediag : DiagTest

DiagTest is a standalone program from Freediag, used to exercise code paths.

DiagTest - Used command :



Mainly used to Dump and Send sequence using CAN USB Analyser.

USB-CAN Dump - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “USB Device” in Settings.

In USB-CAN, set “CAN Speed” and “Baudrate”. Optionally add debug parameter.

CAN USB Adapter should be plugged in your device and hit refresh button to set USB Device with you’r plugged adapter.

USB-CAN Dump - Used command :

canusb -d <USB Device> -s <USB CAN Speed> -b <USB Baudrate> <Optional Debug Parameters>

USB-CAN Send - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “USB Device” in Settings.

In USB-CAN, set “CAN Speed” and “Baudrate”. Set “ID” and “Data” as what you want to send to CAN bus. Optionally add debug and sleep parameter.

CAN USB Adapter should be plugged in your device and hit refresh button to set USB Device with you’r plugged adapter.

USB-CAN Send - Used command :

canusb -d <USB Device> -s <USB CAN Speed> -b <USB Baudrate> <ID> <Data> <Optional Debug/Sleep Parameters>


Used to communicate with two machine on a CAN bus by Ethernet.

Cannelloni - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be set in Settings.

In Cannelloni, “RHOST”, “RPORT” and “LPORT” need to be set.

Both device should be linked using an Ethernet Cable.

Cannelloni - Used command :

sudo cannelloni -I <CAN Interface> -R <RHOST> -r <RPORT> -l <LPORT>



From can-utils suite, Asc2Log is used to convert ASC file format to the classic LOG.

Asc2Log - Settings Prerequisite :

Set “Input” and “Output” path in Settings.

Asc2Log - Used command :

asc2log -I <Input Log> -O <Output File>


From can-utils suite, Log2Asc is used to convert dumped LOG file to the ASC format.

Log2Asc - Settings Prerequisite :

Your desired CAN Interface should be started and set with “Input”, “Output” path in Settings.

Log2Asc - Used command :

log2asc -I <Input Log> -O <Output File> <CAN Interface>

Custom Command

Used in case you need to run a specific command which doesnt match the one provided.


Tools Documentations



Updated on: 2025-Feb-07
Author: v0lk3n