Removed Tools From Kali

Unfortunately for various reasons why, we can’t always keep every tool in Kali. Below is a list of tools removed from Kali Linux:

apt22020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
automater2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
backdoor-factory2024-09-19Unmaintained and broken tool (#1, #2)
bbqsql2020-03-30Python 2
bdfproxy2019-10-10Python 2 (#1)
blindelephant2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
clusterd2020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
creddump2019-10-02]Python 2 (#1)
cuckoo2020-04-07Python 2 (#1)
datasploit2020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
deblaze2021-05-14Python 2 (#1)
fimap2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
findmyhash2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
fruitywifi2020-04-06Python 2 (#1)
ghost-phisher2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
golismero2020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
gr-baz2019-09-17Python 2 (#1)
grabber2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
hackersh2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
hexorbase2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
hydra-gtk2024-09-23GTK 2 (#1)
intersect2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
keimpx2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
killerbee2020-09-03Python 2 (#1)
king-phisher2023-07-03Unmaintained (#1)
mana-toolkit2019-10-10Python 2 (#1)
miranda2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
mitmf2019-08-23Python 2 (#1)
neofetch2025-01-28Unmaintained (#1)
neopi2020-04-09Python 2
nfspy2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
pdgmail2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
peepdf2020-04-07Python 2 (#1)
plecost2023-08-14Python 3.11 (#2, #3)
powerfuzzer2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
proxystrike2019-10-02Python 2 (#1)
pyrit2020-04-02Python 2
pyv82020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
rfidiot2021-05-14Python 2 (#1)
rtlsdr-scanner2024-03-26Unmaintained and broken tool (#1)
sandi2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
sandsifter2020-07-20Python 2
sparta2020-01-06Python 2 (#1)
sslcaudit2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
sslstrip2020-03-10Python 2 (#1)
starkiller2023-03-03Included in powershell-empire (#1)
tinfoleak2020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
travispy2020-03-30Python 2 (#1)
u3-pwn2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
ua-tester2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
vfeed2019-09-10Python 2 (#1)
volafox2020-04-09Python 2
volatility / volatility32020-10-06License change (#1, #2, #3)
webhandler2020-03-30Python 2 (#1, #2)
wifitap2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
wol-e2019-09-19Python 2 (#1)
xprobe2022-08-09Unmaintained and obsolete tool (#1)

Updated on: 2025-Jan-27
Author: g0tmi1k