Packages and Binaries:
This tool is used to crack Cisco Type 7 passwords. Can be used to encrypt and decrypt Cisco device passwords.
Originally designed in order to allow quick decryption of stored passwords, Type 7 passwords are not a secure form of password storage. There are many tools available that can easily decrypt these passwords. Use of Type 7 passwords should be avoided unless required by a feature that is in use on the Cisco IOS device.
Installed size: 28 KB
How to install: sudo apt install cisco7crack
- libc6
Crypt and decrypt the cisco type 7 passwords
root@kali:~# cisco7crack -h
*** cisco7crack v2.3.4 - San Oct 19, 2002
copyright (c) 2002 by Davide Madrisan <[email protected]>
the GNU GPLv2 applies to this program and code
cisco7crack [-q] -c [-{a|#<0..15>}] <plaintext>
cisco7crack [-q] [-d] <ciphertext>
cisco7crack [-h]
flags: means:
-c crypt <plaintext>
-a display all the ways to crypt <plaintext>
-#<n> display the n-th way to crypt <plaintext>
-d decrypt <ciphertext> (default option)
-q cause cisco7crack to be really quiet
-h display this brief usage summary
examples are:
cisco7crack -c#3 '@l1c3&b0b'
cisco7crack -c#3 -q n0v3rb0s3
cisco7crack 082F1C5A1A490D43000F5E033F78373B
a=`cisco7crack -cq b@shscr1pt` # (bash shell)
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "crypt: $a" || echo "error!"
enjoy cracking the Cisco IOS pesky passwords...
for bugs and suggestions, please contact me by e-mail
Updated on: 2023-Aug-17