Packages and Binaries:
de4dot is a .NET deobfuscator and unpacker. It will try its best to restore a packed and obfuscated assembly to almost the original assembly.
Most of the obfuscation can be completely restored (eg. string encryption), but symbol renaming is impossible to restore since the original names aren’t (usually) part of the obfuscated assembly.
Installed size: 1.40 MB
How to install: sudo apt install de4dot
- libdnlib2.1-cil
- libmono-corlib4.5-cil
- libmono-system-drawing4.0-cil
- libmono-system-runtime4.0-cil
- libmono-system-xml4.0-cil
- libmono-system4.0-cil
- mono-runtime
root@kali:~# de4dot -h
de4dot v3.1.41592.3405 Copyright (C) 2011-2015 [email protected]
Latest version and source code:
Some of the advanced options may be incompatible, causing a nice exception.
With great power comes great responsibility.
de4dot.exe <options> <file options>
-r DIR Scan for .NET files in all subdirs
-ro DIR Output base dir for recursively found files
-ru Skip recursively found files with unsupported obfuscator
-d Detect obfuscators and exit
--asm-path PATH Add an assembly search path
--dont-rename Don't rename classes, methods, etc.
--keep-names FLAGS
Don't rename n(amespaces), t(ypes), p(rops), e(vents), f(ields), m(ethods), a(rgs), g(enericparams), d(elegate fields). Can be combined, eg. efm
Don't create method params when renaming
Don't restore properties/events
--default-strtyp TYPE
Default string decrypter type
--default-strtok METHOD
Default string decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
--no-cflow-deob No control flow deobfuscation (NOT recommended)
Only control flow deobfuscation
Load executed assemblies into a new process
--keep-types Keep obfuscator types, fields, methods
Preserve important tokens, #US, #Blob, extra sig data
--preserve-table FLAGS
Preserve rids in table: tr (TypeRef), td (TypeDef), fd (Field), md (Method), pd (Param), mr (MemberRef), s (StandAloneSig), ed (Event), pr (Property), ts (TypeSpec), ms (MethodSpec), all (all previous tables). Use - to disable (eg. all,-pd). Can be combined: ed,fd,md
Preserve #Strings heap offsets
--preserve-us Preserve #US heap offsets
--preserve-blob Preserve #Blob heap offsets
Preserve extra data at the end of signatures
--one-file Deobfuscate one file at a time
-v Verbose
-vv Very verbose
-h Show this help message
--help Same as -h
File options:
-f FILE Name of .NET file
-o FILE Name of output file
-p TYPE Obfuscator type (see below)
--strtyp TYPE String decrypter type
--strtok METHOD String decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
Deobfuscator options:
Type un (Unknown)
--un-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type an (Agile.NET)
--an-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--an-methods BOOL
Decrypt methods (True)
--an-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
--an-stack BOOL Remove all StackFrameHelper code (True)
--an-vm BOOL Restore VM code (True)
--an-initlocals BOOL
Set initlocals in method header (True)
Type bl (Babel .NET)
--bl-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--bl-inline BOOL Inline short methods (True)
--bl-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--bl-methods BOOL
Decrypt methods (True)
--bl-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
--bl-consts BOOL Decrypt constants and arrays (True)
--bl-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
Type cf (CodeFort)
--cf-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[a-zA-Z]{1,3}$&!^[_<>{}$.`-]$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--cf-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
Type cv (CodeVeil)
--cv-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[A-Za-z]{1,2}$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type cw (CodeWall)
--cw-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[0-9A-F]{32}$&!^[_<>{}$.`-]$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--cw-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
--cw-decrypt-main BOOL
Decrypt main embedded assembly (True)
Type cr (Confuser)
--cr-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--cr-antidb BOOL Remove anti debug code (True)
--cr-antidump BOOL
Remove anti dump code (True)
--cr-decrypt-main BOOL
Decrypt main embedded assembly (True)
Type co (Crypto Obfuscator)
--co-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^(get_|set_|add_|remove_)?[A-Z]{1,3}(?:`\d+)?$&!^(get_|set_|add_|remove_)?c[0-9a-f]{32}(?:`\d+)?$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--co-tamper BOOL Remove tamper protection code (True)
--co-consts BOOL Decrypt constants (True)
--co-inline BOOL Inline short methods (True)
--co-ldnull BOOL Restore ldnull instructions (True)
Type ds (DeepSea)
--ds-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--ds-inline BOOL Inline short methods (True)
--ds-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--ds-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
--ds-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
--ds-fields BOOL Restore fields (True)
--ds-keys BOOL Rename resource keys (True)
--ds-casts BOOL Deobfuscate casts (True)
Type df (Dotfuscator)
--df-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^(?:eval_)?[a-z][a-z0-9]{0,2}$&!^A_[0-9]+$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type dr3 (.NET Reactor)
--dr3-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--dr3-types BOOL Restore types (object -> real type) (True)
--dr3-inline BOOL
Inline short methods (True)
--dr3-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--dr3-ns1 BOOL Clear namespace if there's only one class in it (True)
--dr3-sn BOOL Remove anti strong name code (True)
Type dr4 (.NET Reactor)
--dr4-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--dr4-methods BOOL
Decrypt methods (True)
--dr4-bools BOOL Decrypt booleans (True)
--dr4-types BOOL Restore types (object -> real type) (True)
--dr4-inline BOOL
Inline short methods (True)
--dr4-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--dr4-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
--dr4-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
--dr4-ns1 BOOL Clear namespace if there's only one class in it (True)
--dr4-sn BOOL Remove anti strong name code (True)
--dr4-sname BOOL Rename short names (False)
Type ef (Eazfuscator.NET)
--ef-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[a-zA-Z]$&!^#=&!^dje_.+_ejd$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type go (Goliath.NET)
--go-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[A-Za-z]{1,2}(?:`\d+)?$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--go-inline BOOL Inline short methods (True)
--go-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--go-locals BOOL Restore locals (True)
--go-ints BOOL Decrypt integers (True)
--go-arrays BOOL Decrypt arrays (True)
--go-sn BOOL Remove anti strong name code (True)
Type il (ILProtector)
--il-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type mc (MaxtoCode)
--mc-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[oO01l]+$&!^[A-F0-9]{20,}$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--mc-cp INT String code page (936)
Type mp (MPRESS)
--mp-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type rm (Rummage)
--rm-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!.)
Type sk (Skater .NET)
--sk-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!`[^0-9]+&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type sa (SmartAssembly)
--sa-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--sa-error BOOL Remove automated error reporting code (True)
--sa-tamper BOOL Remove tamper protection code (True)
--sa-memory BOOL Remove memory manager code (True)
Type sn (Spices.Net)
--sn-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,2}$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--sn-inline BOOL Inline short methods (True)
--sn-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--sn-ns1 BOOL Clear namespace if there's only one class in it (True)
--sn-rsrc BOOL Restore resource names (True)
Type xc (Xenocode)
--xc-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (!^[oO01l]{4,}$&!^(get_|set_|add_|remove_|_)?[x_][a-f0-9]{16,}$&^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
String decrypter types
none Don't decrypt strings
default Use default string decrypter type (usually static)
static Use static string decrypter if available
delegate Use a delegate to call the real string decrypter
emulate Call real string decrypter and emulate certain instructions
Multiple regexes can be used if separated by '&'.
Use '!' if you want to invert the regex. Example: !^[a-z\d]{1,2}$&!^[A-Z]_\d+$&^[\w.]+$
de4dot.exe -r c:\my\files -ro c:\my\output
de4dot.exe file1 file2 file3
de4dot.exe file1 -f file2 -o file2.out -f file3 -o file3.out
de4dot.exe file1 --strtyp delegate --strtok 06000123
Updated on: 2023-Aug-17