Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a tool, which can analyze big volumes of data in search of hardcoded secrets like keys (e.g. AWS Access Key, Azure Share Key or SSH keys) or passwords. Additionally, it allows creating a simple search rules with basic conditions (e.g. report only csv files including at least 10 email addresses).

The main idea of this tool is to detect any potential secret leaks.

Installed size: 46 KB
How to install: sudo apt install dumpsterdiver

  • python3
  • python3-colorama
  • python3-passwordmeter
  • python3-termcolor
root@kali:~# DumpsterDiver -h

       ___                          __             ___   _                
      / _ \ __ __ __ _   ___   ___ / /_ ___  ____ / _ \ (_)_  __ ___  ____
     / // // // //  ' \ / _ \ (_-</ __// -_)/ __// // // /| |/ // -_)/ __/
    /____/ \_,_//_/_/_// .__//___/\__/ \__//_/  /____//_/ |___/ \__//_/   
                                                       #Coded by @Rzepsky

usage: [-h] -p LOCAL_PATH [-r] [-a] [-s] [-l [0,3]]
                        [-o OUTFILE] [--min-key MIN_KEY] [--max-key MAX_KEY]
                        [--entropy ENTROPY] [--min-pass MIN_PASS]
                        [--max-pass MAX_PASS]
                        [--pass-complex {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]
                        [--grep-words GREP_WORDS [GREP_WORDS ...]]
                        [--exclude-files EXCLUDE_FILES [EXCLUDE_FILES ...]]
                        [--bad-expressions BAD_EXPRESSIONS [BAD_EXPRESSIONS ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -p LOCAL_PATH         path to the folder containing files to be analyzed
  -r, --remove          when this flag is set, then files which don't contain
                        any secret will be removed.
  -a, --advance         when this flag is set, then all files will be
                        additionally analyzed using rules specified in
                        '~/.dumpsterdiver/rules.yaml' file.
  -s, --secret          when this flag is set, then all files will be
                        additionally analyzed in search of hardcoded
  -l [0,3], --level [0,3]
                        0 - searches for short (20-40 bytes long) keys, 
                            e.g. AWS Access Key ID. 
                        1 - (default) searches for typical (40-66 bytes long) keys, 
                            e.g. AWS Secret Access Key or Azure Shared Key. 
                        2 - searches for long (66-1800 bytes long) keys, 
                            e.g. SSH private key
                        3 - searches for any key (20-1800 bytes long), 
                            careful as it generates lots of false positives
  -o OUTFILE            output file in JSON format.

  --min-key MIN_KEY     specifies the minimum key length to be analyzed
                        (default is 20).
  --max-key MAX_KEY     specifies the maximum key length to be analyzed
                        (default is 80).
  --entropy ENTROPY     specifies the edge of high entropy (default is 4.3).
  --min-pass MIN_PASS   specifies the minimum password length to be analyzed
                        (default is 8). Requires adding '-s' flag to the
  --max-pass MAX_PASS   specifies the maximum password length to be analyzed
                        (default is 12). Requires adding '-s' flag to the
  --pass-complex {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
                        specifies the edge of password complexity between 1
                        (trivial passwords) to 9 (very complex passwords)
                        (default is 8). Requires adding '-s' flag to the
  --grep-words GREP_WORDS [GREP_WORDS ...]
                        specifies the grep words to look for. Multiple words
                        should be separated by space. Wildcards are supported.
                        Requires adding '-a' flag to the syntax.
  --exclude-files EXCLUDE_FILES [EXCLUDE_FILES ...]
                        specifies file names or extensions which shouldn't be
                        analyzed. File extension should contain '.' character
                        (e.g. '.pdf'). Multiple file names and extensions
                        should be separated by space.
  --bad-expressions BAD_EXPRESSIONS [BAD_EXPRESSIONS ...]
                        specifies bad expressions - if the DumpsterDiver find
                        such expression in a file, then this file won't be
                        analyzed. Multiple bad expressions should be separated
                        by space.

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14