Packages and Binaries:


forensics-colorize is a set of tools to visually compare large files, as filesystem images, creating graphics of them. It is intuitive because the produced graphics provide a quick and perfect sense about the percentage of changes between two files.

Comparing large textual files using a simple diff can produce a very big result in lines, causing confusion. On the other hand, diff is improper to compare binary files.

This package provides two command line programs: filecompare and colorize. The filecompare command is used to create a special and auxiliary input file for colorize. The colorize command will generate an intuitive graphic that will make easier to perceive the level of changes between the files.

Installed size: 2.05 MB
How to install: sudo apt install forensics-colorize

  • libc6

Show differences between files using color graphics

root@kali:~# colorize -h
colorize by Jesse Kornblum version 1.1
$ colorize [-h|-V] [-w <num>] [-ovd] FILES

-d  - Change direction data flows, defaults to down or right
-o  - Change image orientation, defaults to vertical
-v  - Verbose mode
-w  - Set output image width, defaults to 100
-V  - Display version number and exit
-h  - Display this help message and exit


Show differences between files using color graphics

root@kali:~# filecompare -h
filecompare version 1.1 by Jesse Kornblum
Usage: filecompare [-b size[bkmgpe]] [-Vh] FILE1 FILE2

-b  Set block size with optional suffix b,k,m,g,p, or e
    Note that the program will output at least one complete block
    Make sure you have enough disk space!
-t  Use transitional colors instead of default red or green
-V  Display version number and exit
-h  Display this help message

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14