Packages and Binaries:


Gpart is a tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a PC-type disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is damaged, incorrect or deleted.

It is also good at finding and listing the types, locations, and sizes of inadvertently-deleted partitions, both primary and logical. It gives you the information you need to manually re-create them (using fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, etc.).

The guessed table can also be written to a file or (if you firmly believe the guessed table is entirely correct) directly to a disk device.

Currently supported (guessable) filesystem or partition types:

  • BeOS filesystem type.
  • BtrFS filesystem type.
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD disklabel sub-partitioning scheme used on Intel platforms.
  • Linux second extended filesystem (Ext2).
  • MS-DOS FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 “filesystems”.
  • IBM OS/2 High Performance filesystem.
  • Linux LVM and LVM2 physical volumes.
  • Linux swap partitions (versions 0 and 1).
  • The Minix operating system filesystem type.
  • MS Windows NT/2000 filesystem.
  • QNX 4.x filesystem.
  • The Reiser filesystem (version 3.5.X, X > 11).
  • Sun Solaris on Intel platforms uses a sub-partitioning scheme on PC hard disks similar to the BSD disklabels.
  • Silicon Graphics journaled filesystem for Linux.

Gpart is useful in recovery actions and forensics investigations.

Installed size: 76 KB
How to install: sudo apt install gpart

  • libc6

Guess PC-type hard disk partitions

root@kali:~# gpart --help
gpart: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: gpart [options] device
Options: [-b <backup MBR>][-C c,h,s][-c][-d][-E][-e][-f][-g][-h][-i]
         [-K <last sector>][-k <# of sectors>][-L][-l <log file>]
         [-n <increment>][-q][-s <sector-size>]
         [-V][-v][-W <device>][-w <module-name,weight>]
gpart v0.2.3-dev (c) 1999-2001 Michail Brzitwa <[email protected]>.
Guess PC-type hard disk partitions.

 -b  Save a backup of the original MBR to specified file.
 -C  Set c/h/s to be used in the scan.
 -c  Check/compare mode.
 -d  Do not start the guessing loop.
 -E  Do not try to identify extended partition tables.
 -e  Do not skip disk read errors.
 -f  Full scan.
 -g  Do not try to get the disk geometry.
 -h  Show this help.
 -i  Run interactively (ask for confirmation).
 -K  Scan only up to given sector.
 -k  Skip sectors before scan.
 -L  List available modules and their weights, then exit.
 -l  Logfile name.
 -n  Scan increment: number or 's' sector, 'h' head, 'c' cylinder.
 -q  Run quiet (however log file is written if specified).
 -s  Sector size to use (disable sector size probing).
 -V  Show version.
 -v  Verbose mode. Can be given more than once.
 -W  Write guessed primary partition table to given device or file.
 -w  Weight factor of module.

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14