Packages and Binaries:
This package contains a tool to efficiently discover and extract hostnames providing a large set of target IP addresses. HostHunter utilises simple OSINT techniques to map IP addresses with virtual hostnames. It generates a CSV or TXT file containing the results of the reconnaissance.
Latest version of HostHunter also takes screenshots of the targets, it is currently a beta functionality.
Installed size: 33 KB
How to install: sudo apt install hosthunter
- chromium-driver
- python3
- python3-fake-useragent
- python3-openssl
- python3-requests
- python3-selenium
- python3-urllib3
root@kali:~# hosthunter -h
usage: hosthunter [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUTPUT] [-sc] [-t TARGET] [-V]
[?] HostHunter v1.6 - Help Page
positional arguments:
targets Sets the path of the target IPs file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Choose between CSV and TXT output file formats.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Sets the path of the output file.
-sc, --screen-capture
Capture a screenshot of any associated Web
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Scan a Single IP.
-V, --version Displays the current version.
Author: Andreas Georgiou (@superhedgy)
Updated on: 2023-Aug-17