Tool Documentation:
osrframework Usage Examples
Check for the -n kalilinux
username across all available services:
root@kali:~# -n kalilinux
___ ____ ____ _____ _
/ _ \/ ___|| _ \| ___| __ __ _ _ __ ___ _____ _____ _ __| | __
| | | \___ \| |_) | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| |___) | _ <| _|| | | (_| | | | | | | __/\ V V / (_) | | | <
\___/|____/|_| \_\_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_
Version: OSRFramework 0.17.2
Created by: Felix Brezo and Yaiza Rubio, (i3visio) Copyright (C) F. Brezo and Y. Rubio (i3visio) 2014-2017
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For additional info,
2017-10-05 11:20:10.448178 Starting search in 297 platform(s)... Relax!
Press <Ctrl + C> to stop...
[!] In, exception caught when checking information in Skype!
2017-10-05 11:20:30.854308 A summary of the results obtained are shown in the following table:
Sheet Name: Profiles recovered (2017-10-5_11h20m).
| i3visio_uri | i3visio_alias | i3visio_platform |
| | kalilinux | Facebook |
| | kalilinux | Twitter |
Search for a given email address.
root@kali:~# -n ltorvalds
___ ____ ____ _____ _
/ _ \/ ___|| _ \| ___| __ __ _ _ __ ___ _____ _____ _ __| | __
| | | \___ \| |_) | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| |___) | _ <| _|| | | (_| | | | | | | __/\ V V / (_) | | | <
\___/|____/|_| \_\_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_
Version: OSRFramework 0.17.2
Created by: Felix Brezo and Yaiza Rubio, (i3visio) Copyright (C) F. Brezo and Y. Rubio (i3visio) 2016-2017
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For additional info,
2017-10-05 11:32:49.178753 Starting search in 22 different emails:
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
Search for a given string across all OSRF services.
root@kali:~$ -q "dookie2000ca"
___ ____ ____ _____ _
/ _ \/ ___|| _ \| ___| __ __ _ _ __ ___ _____ _____ _ __| | __
| | | \___ \| |_) | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| |___) | _ <| _|| | | (_| | | | | | | __/\ V V / (_) | | | <
\___/|____/|_| \_\_| |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_
Version: OSRFramework 0.17.2
Created by: Felix Brezo and Yaiza Rubio, (i3visio) Copyright (C) F. Brezo and Y. Rubio (i3visio) 2014-2017
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For additional info,
2017-10-05 11:38:33.545680 Starting search in different platform(s)... Relax!
Press <Ctrl + C> to stop...
[!] In, exception caught when checking information in Skype!
2017-10-05 11:38:36.672623 A summary of the results obtained are listed in the following table:
Sheet Name: Profiles recovered (2017-10-5_11h38m).
| i3visio_uri | i3visio_alias | i3visio_platform |
| | dookie2000ca | Github |
| | dookie2000ca | Twitter |
2017-10-05 11:38:36.685354 You can find all the information collected in the following files:
2017-10-05 11:38:36.685581 Finishing execution...
Total time used: 0:00:03.139901
Average seconds/query: 3.139901 seconds
Did something go wrong? Is a platform reporting false positives? Do you need to
integrate a new one and you don't know how to start? Then, you can always place
an issue in the Github project:
Note that otherwise, we won't know about it!
Packages and Binaries:
This package contains a set of libraries developed by i3visio to perform Open Source Intelligence tasks. They include references to a bunch of different applications related to username checking, DNS lookups, information leaks research, deep web search, regular expressions extraction and many others.
Installed size: 1.51 MB
How to install: sudo apt install osrframework
- python3
- python3-bs4
- python3-cfscrape
- python3-colorama
- python3-decorator
- python3-duckpy
- python3-emailahoy3
- python3-networkx
- python3-oauthlib
- python3-pkg-resources
- python3-pyexcel
- python3-pyexcel-io
- python3-pyexcel-ods
- python3-pyexcel-text
- python3-pyexcel-xls
- python3-pyexcel-xlsx
- python3-requests
- python3-tabulate
- python3-whois
- python3-yaml
root@kali:~# alias_generator -h
usage: alias_generator [-n <NAME>] [-s1 <SURNAME_1>] [-s2 <SURNAME_2>]
[-c <CITY>] [-C <COUNTRY>] [-y <YEAR>]
[-o <path_to_output_file>] [--numbers] [--common-words]
[--leet] [--locales]
[--extra-words EXTRA_WORDS [EXTRA_WORDS ...]] [-h]
alias_generator is a tool that tries to create possible aliases based on the
inputs known from a person.
-n, --name <NAME> Name of the person.
-s1, --surname1 <SURNAME_1>
First surname.
-s2, --surname2 <SURNAME_2>
Second surname.
-c, --city <CITY> A city linked to the profile.
-C, --country <COUNTRY>
A country.
-y, --year <YEAR> Birth year.
-o, --output-file <path_to_output_file>
Path to the output file.
Profile squatting arguments:
Showing additional configuration options for this program based on the
original -s option in
--numbers Adds numbers at the end of the nicknames.
--common-words Adds some famous words at the end of the nicknames.
--leet Adds the leet mode to change 'a' by '4', 'e' by '3',
--locales Adds ending linked to countries.
--extra-words EXTRA_WORDS [EXTRA_WORDS ...]
Adds new words to the nicknames provided by the user.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: alias_generator [-n <NAME>] [-s1 <SURNAME_1>] [-s2 <SURNAME_2>]
[-c <CITY>] [-C <COUNTRY>] [-y <YEAR>]
[-o <path_to_output_file>] [--numbers] [--common-words]
[--leet] [--locales]
[--extra-words EXTRA_WORDS [EXTRA_WORDS ...]] [-h]
alias_generator is a tool that tries to create possible aliases based on the
inputs known from a person.
-n, --name <NAME> Name of the person.
-s1, --surname1 <SURNAME_1>
First surname.
-s2, --surname2 <SURNAME_2>
Second surname.
-c, --city <CITY> A city linked to the profile.
-C, --country <COUNTRY>
A country.
-y, --year <YEAR> Birth year.
-o, --output-file <path_to_output_file>
Path to the output file.
Profile squatting arguments:
Showing additional configuration options for this program based on the
original -s option in
--numbers Adds numbers at the end of the nicknames.
--common-words Adds some famous words at the end of the nicknames.
--leet Adds the leet mode to change 'a' by '4', 'e' by '3',
--locales Adds ending linked to countries.
--extra-words EXTRA_WORDS [EXTRA_WORDS ...]
Adds new words to the nicknames provided by the user.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
root@kali:~# checkfy -h
usage: checkfy (--license | -n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file>)
-m <pattern> [-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-t <type>] [--quiet]
[-h] [--version]
checkfy - Finding potential email addresses based on a list of known aliases
(either provided as arguments or read from a file) and a known pattern.
Default values can be io
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks_file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
-m, --email-pattern <pattern>
The email pattern that the generated email address
SHOULD match. The pattern type can be configured using
Other options:
Configuring other options.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated files. Default: ./.
-t, --type <type> The type of pattern provided. It can be either the
style used by Twitter to show the pattern suggestions
or a regular expression. Default: regexp.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: checkfy (--license | -n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file>)
-m <pattern> [-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-t <type>] [--quiet]
[-h] [--version]
checkfy - Finding potential email addresses based on a list of known aliases
(either provided as arguments or read from a file) and a known pattern.
Default values can be io
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks_file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
-m, --email-pattern <pattern>
The email pattern that the generated email address
SHOULD match. The pattern type can be configured using
Other options:
Configuring other options.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated files. Default: ./.
-t, --type <type> The type of pattern provided. It can be either the
style used by Twitter to show the pattern suggestions
or a regular expression. Default: regexp.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# domainfy -h
usage: domainfy (-n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file> | --license)
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-o <path_to_output_folder>]
[-t <tld_type> [<tld_type> ...]]
[-u <new_tld> [<new_tld> ...]] [-x <domain> [<domain> ...]]
[-F <alternative_header_file>] [-T <num_threads>] [--quiet]
[--whois] [-h] [--version]
domainfy - Checking the existence of domains that resolev to an IP address.
Input options (one required):
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks_file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which mailfy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-o, --output-folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-t, --tlds <tld_type> [<tld_type> ...]
list of TLD types where the nick will be looked for.
-u, --user-defined <new_tld> [<new_tld> ...]
additional TLD that will be searched.
-x, --exclude <domain> [<domain> ...]
select the domains to be avoided. The format should
include the initial '.'.
-F, --file-header <alternative_header_file>
header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
16). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
--whois tells the program to launch whois queries.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: domainfy (-n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file> | --license)
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-o <path_to_output_folder>]
[-t <tld_type> [<tld_type> ...]]
[-u <new_tld> [<new_tld> ...]] [-x <domain> [<domain> ...]]
[-F <alternative_header_file>] [-T <num_threads>] [--quiet]
[--whois] [-h] [--version]
domainfy - Checking the existence of domains that resolev to an IP address.
Input options (one required):
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks_file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which mailfy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-o, --output-folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-t, --tlds <tld_type> [<tld_type> ...]
list of TLD types where the nick will be looked for.
-u, --user-defined <new_tld> [<new_tld> ...]
additional TLD that will be searched.
-x, --exclude <domain> [<domain> ...]
select the domains to be avoided. The format should
include the initial '.'.
-F, --file-header <alternative_header_file>
header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
16). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
--whois tells the program to launch whois queries.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# mailfy -h
usage: mailfy (--license | -m <emails> [<emails> ...] | -M <emails_file> |
-n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file> |
--create-emails <nicks_file>) [-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]]
[-d <candidate_domains> [<candidate_domains> ...]]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-p <platform> [<platform> ...]]
[-x <domain> [<domain> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-T <num_threads>] [--quiet] [-h] [--version]
mailfy - Checking the existence of a given mail.
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-m, --emails <emails> [<emails> ...]
the list of emails to be checked.
-M, --emails-file <emails_file>
the file with the list of emails.
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks-file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
--create-emails <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be created in the
domains selected.
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which mailfy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: csv.
-d, --domains <candidate_domains> [<candidate_domains> ...]
list of domains where the nick will be looked for.
-o, --output-folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'infojobs',
'instagram', 'keyserverubuntu', 'okcupid']. More than
one option can be selected.
-x, --exclude <domain> [<domain> ...]
select the domains to be excluded from the search.
-F, --file-header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
16). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: mailfy (--license | -m <emails> [<emails> ...] | -M <emails_file> |
-n <nicks> [<nicks> ...] | -N <nicks_file> |
--create-emails <nicks_file>) [-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]]
[-d <candidate_domains> [<candidate_domains> ...]]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-p <platform> [<platform> ...]]
[-x <domain> [<domain> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-T <num_threads>] [--quiet] [-h] [--version]
mailfy - Checking the existence of a given mail.
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-m, --emails <emails> [<emails> ...]
the list of emails to be checked.
-M, --emails-file <emails_file>
the file with the list of emails.
-n, --nicks <nicks> [<nicks> ...]
the list of nicks to be checked in the domains
-N, --nicks-file <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be checked in the
domains selected.
--create-emails <nicks_file>
the file with the list of nicks to be created in the
domains selected.
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which mailfy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: csv.
-d, --domains <candidate_domains> [<candidate_domains> ...]
list of domains where the nick will be looked for.
-o, --output-folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'infojobs',
'instagram', 'keyserverubuntu', 'okcupid']. More than
one option can be selected.
-x, --exclude <domain> [<domain> ...]
select the domains to be excluded from the search.
-F, --file-header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
16). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# osrf -h
usage: osrf [-h] [--license] [--version]
<sub_command> <sub_command_options> ...
OSRFramework CLI. Collection of tools included in the framework.
List of available commands that can be invoked using OSRFramework CLI.
<sub_command> <sub_command_options>
alias_generator Generates a list of candidate usernames based on known
checkfy Verifies if a given email address matches a pattern.
domainfy Checks whether domain names using words and nicknames
are available.
mailfy Gets information about email accounts.
phonefy Looks for information linked to spam practices by a
phone number.
searchfy Performs queries on several platforms.
usufy Looks for registered accounts with given nicknames.
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--license shows the AGPLv3+ license and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Use 'osrf <command> --help' to learn more about each command. Check
OSRFramework file for further details on the usage of this program
or follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# osrframework-cli -h
usage: osrf [-h] [--license] [--version]
<sub_command> <sub_command_options> ...
OSRFramework CLI. Collection of tools included in the framework.
List of available commands that can be invoked using OSRFramework CLI.
<sub_command> <sub_command_options>
alias_generator Generates a list of candidate usernames based on known
checkfy Verifies if a given email address matches a pattern.
domainfy Checks whether domain names using words and nicknames
are available.
mailfy Gets information about email accounts.
phonefy Looks for information linked to spam practices by a
phone number.
searchfy Performs queries on several platforms.
usufy Looks for registered accounts with given nicknames.
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--license shows the AGPLv3+ license and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Use 'osrf <command> --help' to learn more about each command. Check
OSRFramework file for further details on the usage of this program
or follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# phonefy -h
usage: phonefy (--license | -n <phones> [<phones> ...])
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-o <path_to_output_folder>]
[-p <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[--quiet] [-w] [-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-h]
phonefy - Piece of software that checks the existence of a given series of
phones in a bunch of phone number lists associated to malicious activities.
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-n, --numbers <phones> [<phones> ...]
the list of phones to process (at least one is
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which usufy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all',
'infotelefonica', 'listaspam', 'xtelefonos']. More
than one option can be selected.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
-w, --web_browser opening the URIs returned in the default web browser.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: phonefy (--license | -n <phones> [<phones> ...])
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-o <path_to_output_folder>]
[-p <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[--quiet] [-w] [-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-h]
phonefy - Piece of software that checks the existence of a given series of
phones in a bunch of phone number lists associated to malicious activities.
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-n, --numbers <phones> [<phones> ...]
the list of phones to process (at least one is
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which usufy will process the identified profiles.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all',
'infotelefonica', 'listaspam', 'xtelefonos']. More
than one option can be selected.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
--quiet tells the program not to show anything.
-w, --web_browser opening the URIs returned in the default web browser.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# searchfy -h
usage: searchfy (--license | -q <searches> [<searches> ...])
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-p <platform> [<platform> ...]]
[-w] [-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-h] [--version]
searchfy - Piece of software that performs a query on the platforms in
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-q, --queries <searches> [<searches> ...]
the list of queries to be performed).
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which searchfy will process the identified
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'github',
'instagram', 'keyserverubuntu']. More than one option
can be selected.
-w, --web_browser opening the URIs returned in the default web browser.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: searchfy (--license | -q <searches> [<searches> ...])
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-p <platform> [<platform> ...]]
[-w] [-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-h] [--version]
searchfy - Piece of software that performs a query on the platforms in
Input options (one required):
--license shows the GPLv3+ license and exists.
-q, --queries <searches> [<searches> ...]
the list of queries to be performed).
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which searchfy will process the identified
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: xls.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, will try to create;
if this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'github',
'instagram', 'keyserverubuntu']. More than one option
can be selected.
-w, --web_browser opening the URIs returned in the default web browser.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
--version shows the version of the program and exists.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# usufy -h
usage: usufy (--info <action> | -b | -f <path_to_fuzzing_list> |
-l <path_to_nick_list> | -n <nick> [<nick> ...] | --show_tags)
[-p <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-t <tag> [<tag> ...]]
[-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [--avoid_download]
[--avoid_processing] [--fuzz_config <path_to_fuzz_list>]
[--nonvalid <not_valid_characters>]
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-L <path_to_log_folder]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-w] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-T <num_threads>] [-h] [-v <verbosity>] [--version]
usufy - Piece of software that checks the existence of a profile for a given
user in dozens of different platforms.
Input options (one required):
--info <action> select the action to be performed amongst the
following: list_platforms (list the details of the
selected platforms), list_tags (list the tags of the
selected platforms). Afterwards, it exists.
-b, --benchmark perform the benchmarking tasks.
-f, --fuzz <path_to_fuzzing_list>
this option will try to find usufy-like URLs. The list
of fuzzing platforms in the file should be (one per
-l, --list <path_to_nick_list>
path to the file where the list of nicks to verify is
stored (one per line).
-n, --nicks <nick> [<nick> ...]
the list of nicks to process (at least one is
--show_tags it will show the platforms grouped by tags.
Platform selection arguments:
Criteria for selecting the platforms where performing the search.
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'about',
'affilorama', 'archive', 'arduino', 'ariva',
'armorgames', 'askfm', 'audiob', 'audioboom', 'badoo',
'bandcamp', 'bennugd', 'betblog', 'bitbucket',
'bitcointalk', 'bitrated', 'blogmarks', 'blogspot',
'boonex', 'bubok', 'buddypic', '',
'carbonmade', 'cartodb', 'causes', 'ccm', 'ccsinfo',
'chess', 'cockos', 'codecademy', 'codementor',
'coderwall', 'connectingsingles', 'couchsurfing',
'crokes', 'crowdin', 'cryptocompare', 'dailymotion',
'datpiff', 'deviantart', 'digitalspy', 'disqus',
'doodle', 'douban', 'dribbble', 'drupal', 'dzone',
'ebay', 'echatta', 'ello', 'emoneyspace',
'enfemenino', 'etsy', 'eyeem', 'fandom', 'fanpop',
'fark', 'flickr', 'foros24h', 'forosperu',
'forospyware', 'freelancer', 'freerepublic', 'github',
'goodreads', 'gravatar', 'gsmspain', 'houzz',
'htcmania', 'hubpages', 'ibosocial', 'ifunny',
'instagram', 'instructables', 'issuu', 'ivoox',
'jamiiforums', 'kali', 'kanogames', 'keybase',
'kickstarter', 'kinja', 'kongregate', 'lastfm',
'livejournal', 'losviajeros', 'mastodonsocial',
'mastodonxyz', 'mcneel', 'mediavida', 'medium',
'memrise', 'meneame', 'mercadolibre', 'meteor',
'minds', 'mozilla', 'mstdnjp', 'musicasacra',
'myeloma', 'myfitnesspal', 'myspace', 'nairaland',
'netvibes', 'newgrounds', 'notabug', 'occupywallst',
'ok', 'openframeworks', 'openstreetmap', 'papaly',
'pastebin', 'patreon', 'pawoo', 'pearltrees',
'periscope', 'pjrc', 'pokerred', 'pornhub', 'rankia',
'reddit', 'redtube', 'reverbnation', 'ripenear',
'rojadirecta', 'ruby', 'scribd', 'seatwish', 'sencha',
'slashdot', 'slideshare', 'smartcitizen', 'smugmug',
'soundcloud', 'spaniards', 'spoj', 'spotify',
'spreaker', 'steamcommunity', 'steemit', 'steinberg',
'teamtreehouse', 'telegram', 'thestudentroom',
'theverge', 'tippin_me', 'trakt', 'typepad',
'unsplash', 'verbling', 'vexforum', 'viddler',
'videohelp', 'vimeo', 'vk', 'warriorforum', 'webtv',
'wikipedia_ar', 'wikipedia_ca', 'wikipedia_de',
'wikipedia_en', 'wikipedia_es', 'wikipedia_eu',
'wikipedia_fr', 'wikipedia_pt', 'wikipedia_ru',
'winamp', 'wishlistr', 'witty', 'wykop', 'xing',
'zentyal', 'zotero']. More than one option can be
-t, --tags <tag> [<tag> ...]
select the list of tags that fit the platforms in
which you want to perform the search. More than one
option can be selected.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which usufy will process the identified profiles.
--avoid_download argument to force usufy NOT to store the downloadable
version of the profiles.
--avoid_processing argument to force usufy NOT to perform any processing
task with the valid profiles.
--fuzz_config <path_to_fuzz_list>
path to the fuzzing config details. Wildcards such as
the domains or the nicknames should come as: <DOMAIN>,
--nonvalid <not_valid_characters>
string containing the characters considered as not
valid for nicknames.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: csv.
-L, --logfolder <path_to_log_folder
path to the log folder. If none was provided, ./logs
is assumed.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, usufy will try to create; if
this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-w, --web_browser opening the uris returned in the default web browser.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
32). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
-v, --verbose <verbosity>
select the verbosity level: 0 - minimal; 1 - normal
(default); 2 - debug.
--version shows the version of the program and exits.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
root@kali:~# -h
usage: usufy (--info <action> | -b | -f <path_to_fuzzing_list> |
-l <path_to_nick_list> | -n <nick> [<nick> ...] | --show_tags)
[-p <platform> [<platform> ...]] [-t <tag> [<tag> ...]]
[-x <platform> [<platform> ...]] [--avoid_download]
[--avoid_processing] [--fuzz_config <path_to_fuzz_list>]
[--nonvalid <not_valid_characters>]
[-e <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]] [-L <path_to_log_folder]
[-o <path_to_output_folder>] [-w] [-F <alternative_header_file>]
[-T <num_threads>] [-h] [-v <verbosity>] [--version]
usufy - Piece of software that checks the existence of a profile for a given
user in dozens of different platforms.
Input options (one required):
--info <action> select the action to be performed amongst the
following: list_platforms (list the details of the
selected platforms), list_tags (list the tags of the
selected platforms). Afterwards, it exists.
-b, --benchmark perform the benchmarking tasks.
-f, --fuzz <path_to_fuzzing_list>
this option will try to find usufy-like URLs. The list
of fuzzing platforms in the file should be (one per
-l, --list <path_to_nick_list>
path to the file where the list of nicks to verify is
stored (one per line).
-n, --nicks <nick> [<nick> ...]
the list of nicks to process (at least one is
--show_tags it will show the platforms grouped by tags.
Platform selection arguments:
Criteria for selecting the platforms where performing the search.
-p, --platforms <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms where you want to perform the
search amongst the following: ['all', 'about',
'affilorama', 'archive', 'arduino', 'ariva',
'armorgames', 'askfm', 'audiob', 'audioboom', 'badoo',
'bandcamp', 'bennugd', 'betblog', 'bitbucket',
'bitcointalk', 'bitrated', 'blogmarks', 'blogspot',
'boonex', 'bubok', 'buddypic', '',
'carbonmade', 'cartodb', 'causes', 'ccm', 'ccsinfo',
'chess', 'cockos', 'codecademy', 'codementor',
'coderwall', 'connectingsingles', 'couchsurfing',
'crokes', 'crowdin', 'cryptocompare', 'dailymotion',
'datpiff', 'deviantart', 'digitalspy', 'disqus',
'doodle', 'douban', 'dribbble', 'drupal', 'dzone',
'ebay', 'echatta', 'ello', 'emoneyspace',
'enfemenino', 'etsy', 'eyeem', 'fandom', 'fanpop',
'fark', 'flickr', 'foros24h', 'forosperu',
'forospyware', 'freelancer', 'freerepublic', 'github',
'goodreads', 'gravatar', 'gsmspain', 'houzz',
'htcmania', 'hubpages', 'ibosocial', 'ifunny',
'instagram', 'instructables', 'issuu', 'ivoox',
'jamiiforums', 'kali', 'kanogames', 'keybase',
'kickstarter', 'kinja', 'kongregate', 'lastfm',
'livejournal', 'losviajeros', 'mastodonsocial',
'mastodonxyz', 'mcneel', 'mediavida', 'medium',
'memrise', 'meneame', 'mercadolibre', 'meteor',
'minds', 'mozilla', 'mstdnjp', 'musicasacra',
'myeloma', 'myfitnesspal', 'myspace', 'nairaland',
'netvibes', 'newgrounds', 'notabug', 'occupywallst',
'ok', 'openframeworks', 'openstreetmap', 'papaly',
'pastebin', 'patreon', 'pawoo', 'pearltrees',
'periscope', 'pjrc', 'pokerred', 'pornhub', 'rankia',
'reddit', 'redtube', 'reverbnation', 'ripenear',
'rojadirecta', 'ruby', 'scribd', 'seatwish', 'sencha',
'slashdot', 'slideshare', 'smartcitizen', 'smugmug',
'soundcloud', 'spaniards', 'spoj', 'spotify',
'spreaker', 'steamcommunity', 'steemit', 'steinberg',
'teamtreehouse', 'telegram', 'thestudentroom',
'theverge', 'tippin_me', 'trakt', 'typepad',
'unsplash', 'verbling', 'vexforum', 'viddler',
'videohelp', 'vimeo', 'vk', 'warriorforum', 'webtv',
'wikipedia_ar', 'wikipedia_ca', 'wikipedia_de',
'wikipedia_en', 'wikipedia_es', 'wikipedia_eu',
'wikipedia_fr', 'wikipedia_pt', 'wikipedia_ru',
'winamp', 'wishlistr', 'witty', 'wykop', 'xing',
'zentyal', 'zotero']. More than one option can be
-t, --tags <tag> [<tag> ...]
select the list of tags that fit the platforms in
which you want to perform the search. More than one
option can be selected.
-x, --exclude <platform> [<platform> ...]
select the platforms that you want to exclude from the
Processing arguments:
Configuring the way in which usufy will process the identified profiles.
--avoid_download argument to force usufy NOT to store the downloadable
version of the profiles.
--avoid_processing argument to force usufy NOT to perform any processing
task with the valid profiles.
--fuzz_config <path_to_fuzz_list>
path to the fuzzing config details. Wildcards such as
the domains or the nicknames should come as: <DOMAIN>,
--nonvalid <not_valid_characters>
string containing the characters considered as not
valid for nicknames.
-e, --extension <sum_ext> [<sum_ext> ...]
output extension for the summary files. Default: csv.
-L, --logfolder <path_to_log_folder
path to the log folder. If none was provided, ./logs
is assumed.
-o, --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>
output folder for the generated documents. While if
the paths does not exist, usufy will try to create; if
this argument is not provided, usufy will NOT write
any down any data. Check permissions if something goes
-w, --web_browser opening the uris returned in the default web browser.
-F, --file_header <alternative_header_file>
Header for the output filenames to be generated. If
None was provided the following will be used:
-T, --threads <num_threads>
write down the number of threads to be used (default
32). If 0, the maximum number possible will be used,
which may make the system feel unstable.
About arguments:
Showing additional information about this program.
-h, --help shows this help and exists.
-v, --verbose <verbosity>
select the verbosity level: 0 - minimal; 1 - normal
(default); 2 - debug.
--version shows the version of the program and exits.
Check the file for further details on the usage of this program or
follow us on Twitter in <>.
Updated on: 2025-Feb-18