Packages and Binaries:


This package contains a replacement for iphelix’s PACK. This is a work in progress. Not all features are available and while being similar some will differ slightly.

PACK was developed in order to aid in a password cracking competition “Crack Me If You Can” that occurred during Defcon 2010. The goal of this toolkit is to aid in preparation for the “better than bruteforce” password attacks by analyzing common ways that people create passwords. After the analysis stage, the statistical database can be used to generate attack masks for tools such as oclHashcat.

NOTE: This tool itself can not crack passwords, but helps other tools crack more passwords faster.

Installed size: 897 KB
How to install: sudo apt install pack2

  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
root@kali:~# pack2 -h
pack2 0.1.0

    pack2 <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    cgrams        Splits each line on the charset boundry
    filtermask    Filters a wordlist by a given mask
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    statsgen      Generates statistics from a [input] and writes masks to <output> stats are written to stderr
    unhex         Decodes $HEX[] encoded lines


Packages a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file for web deployment.

root@kali:~# pack200 -h

Warning: The pack200 tool is deprecated, and is planned for removal in a future JDK release.

Usage:  pack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar

Packing Options
  -r, --repack                    repack or normalize a jar, suitable for 
                                  signing with jarsigner
  -g, --no-gzip                   output a plain pack file, suitable to be
                                  compressed with a file compression utility
  --gzip                          (default) post compress the pack output
                                  with gzip
  -G, --strip-debug               remove debugging attributes (SourceFile,
                                  LineNumberTable, LocalVariableTable
                                  and LocalVariableTypeTable) while packing
  -O, --no-keep-file-order        do not transmit file ordering information
  --keep-file-order               (default) preserve input file ordering
  -S{N}, --segment-limit={N}      limit segment sizes (default unlimited)
  -E{N}, --effort={N}             packing effort (default N=5)
  -H{h}, --deflate-hint={h}       transmit deflate hint: true, false,
                                  or keep (default)
  -m{V}, --modification-time={V}  transmit modtimes: latest or keep (default)
  -P{F}, --pass-file={F}          transmit the given input element(s) unchanged
  -U{a}, --unknown-attribute={a}  unknown attribute action: error, strip,
                                  or pass (default)
  -C{N}={L}, --class-attribute={N}={L}  (user-defined attribute)
  -F{N}={L}, --field-attribute={N}={L}  (user-defined attribute)
  -M{N}={L}, --method-attribute={N}={L} (user-defined attribute)
  -D{N}={L}, --code-attribute={N}={L}   (user-defined attribute)
  -f{F}, --config-file={F}        read file F for Pack200.Packer properties
  -v, --verbose                   increase program verbosity
  -q, --quiet                     set verbosity to lowest level
  -l{F}, --log-file={F}           output to the given log file, 
                                  or '-' for System.out
  -?, -h, --help                  print this help message
  -V, --version                   print program version
  -J{X}                           pass option X to underlying Java VM

  The -P, -C, -F, -M, and -D options accumulate.
  Example attribute definition:  -C SourceFile=RUH .
  Config. file properties are defined by the Pack200 API.
  For meaning of -S, -E, -H-, -m, -U values, see Pack200 API.
  Layout definitions (like RUH) are defined by JSR 200.

Repacking mode updates the JAR file with a pack/unpack cycle:
    pack200 [-r|--repack] [-opt | --option=value]... [repackedy.jar] y.jar

Exit Status:
  0 if successful, >0 if an error occurred

Warning: The pack200 tool is deprecated, and is planned for removal in a future JDK release.


Transforms a packed file produced by pack200(1) into a JAR file for web deployment.

root@kali:~# unpack200 -h

Warning: The unpack200 tool is deprecated, and is planned for removal in a future JDK release.

Usage:  unpack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar

Unpacking Options
  -H{h}, --deflate-hint={h}     override transmitted deflate hint:
                                true, false, or keep (default)
  -r, --remove-pack-file        remove input file after unpacking
  -v, --verbose                 increase program verbosity
  -q, --quiet                   set verbosity to lowest level
  -l{F}, --log-file={F}         output to the given log file,
                                or '-' for standard output (default)
  -?, -h, --help                print this help message
  -V, --version                 print program version

Exit Status:
  0 if successful, >0 if an error occurred

Updated on: 2023-Aug-14