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This will NOT show up in the index or search.
It is kept around for historical reasons and may no longer be accurate.

Packages and Binaries:


pev is a tool to get information of PE32/PE32+ executables (EXE, DLL, OCX etc) like headers, sections, resources and more.

Installed size: 1.57 MB
How to install: sudo apt install pev

  • libc6
  • libssl3

Converts a PE raw file offset to relative virtual address

root@kali:~# ofs2rva -h
Usage: ofs2rva <offset> FILE
Convert raw file offset to RVA

Example: ofs2rva 0x1b9b8 calc.exe

 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Disassemble PE sections and functions

root@kali:~# pedis --help
Usage: pedis OPTIONS FILE
Disassemble PE sections and functions (by default, until found a RET or LEAVE instruction)

Example: pedis -r 0x4c4df putty.exe

 --att                                  Set AT&T assembly syntax (default: Intel).
 -e, --entrypoint                       Disassemble the entire entrypoint function.
 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text).
 -m, --mode <16|32|64>                  Disassembly mode (default: auto).
 -i <number>                            Number of instructions to disassemble.
 -n <number>                            Number of bytes to disassemble
 -o, --offset <offset>                  Disassemble at specified offset, either in decimal or hexadecimal format (prefixed with 0x).
 -r, --rva <rva>                        Disassemble at specified RVA, either in decimal or hexadecimal format (prefixed with 0x).
 -s, --section <section_name>           Disassemble en entire section given.
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Calculate hashes of PE pieces

root@kali:~# pehash --help
Usage: pehash OPTIONS FILE
Calculate hashes of PE pieces

Example: pehash -s '.text' winzip.exe

 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv> Change output format (default: text).
 -a, --all                             Hash file, sections and headers with md5, sha1, sha256, ssdeep and imphash.
 -c, --content                         Hash only the file content (default).
 -h, --header <dos|coff|optional>      Hash only the header with the specified name.
 -s, --section <section_name>          Hash only the section with the specified name.
 --section-index <section_index>       Hash only the section at the specified index (1..n).
 -V, --version                         Show version.
 --help                                Show this help.


Shows library dependencies for a given PE file

root@kali:~# peldd --help
Usage: peldd FILE
Display PE library dependencies

Example: peldd winzip.exe

 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text).
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show help.


Check if a PE file is packed

root@kali:~# pepack --help
Usage: pepack FILE
Search for packers in PE files

Example: pepack putty.exe

 -d, --database <file>                  Use database file (default: ./userdb.txt).
 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text).
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Analyze and extract PE file resources

root@kali:~# peres -h
Usage: peres OPTIONS FILE
Show information about resource section and extract it

Example: peres -a putty.exe

 -a, --all                              Show all information, statistics and extract resources
 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  change output format (default: text)
 -i, --info                             Show resources information
 -l, --list                             Show list view
 -s, --statistics                       Show resources statistics
 -x, --extract                          Extract resources
 -X, --named-extract                    Extract resources with path names
 -v, --file-version                     Show File Version from PE resource directory
 -V, --version                          Show version and exit
 --help                                 Show this help and exit


Identify suspicious characteristics in PE files

root@kali:~# pescan --help
Usage: pescan OPTIONS FILE
Search for suspicious things in PE files

Example: pescan putty.exe

 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text).
 -v, --verbose                          Show more information about found items.
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Check for protections in PE files

root@kali:~# pesec --help
Usage: pesec [OPTIONS] FILE
Check for security features in PE files

Example: pesec wordpad.exe

 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text)
 -c, --certoutform <text|pem>           Specifies the certificate output format (default: text).
 -o, --certout <filename>               Specifies the output filename to write certificates to (default: stdout).
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Search strings in PE files

root@kali:~# pestr --help
Usage: pestr OPTIONS FILE
Search for strings in PE files

Example: pestr acrobat.exe

 -n, --min-length                       Set minimum string length (default: 4).
 -o, --offset                           Show string offset in file.
 -s, --section                          Show string section, if exists.
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Displays information about PE files

root@kali:~# readpe --help
Usage: readpe OPTIONS FILE
Show PE file headers

Example: readpe --header optional winzip.exe

 -A, --all                              Full output (default).
 -H, --all-headers                      Show all PE headers.
 -S, --all-sections                     Show PE section headers.
 -f, --format <xml|html|json|text|csv>  Change output format (default: text).
 -d, --dirs                             Show data directories.
 -h, --header <dos|coff|optional>       Show specific header. It can be used multiple times.
 -i, --imports                          Show imported functions.
 -e, --exports                          Show exported functions.
 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.


Converts a PE relative virtual address to raw file offset

root@kali:~# rva2ofs -h
Usage: rva2ofs <rva> FILE
Convert RVA to raw file offset

Example: rva2ofs 0x12db cards.dll

 -V, --version                          Show version.
 --help                                 Show this help.

Updated on: 2024-Feb-16