Packages and Binaries:


This package contains an Active Directory information dumper via LDAP. In an Active Directory domain, a lot of interesting information can be retrieved via LDAP by any authenticated user (or machine). This makes LDAP an interesting protocol for gathering information in the recon phase of a pentest of an internal network. A problem is that data from LDAP often is not available in an easy to read format.

ldapdomaindump is a tool which aims to solve this problem, by collecting and parsing information available via LDAP and outputting it in a human readable HTML format, as well as machine readable json and csv/tsv/greppable files.

This package installs the library for Python 3.

Installed size: 84 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-ldapdomaindump

  • python3
  • python3-dnspython
  • python3-ldap3
root@kali:~# ldapdomaindump -h
usage: ldapdomaindump [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-at {NTLM,SIMPLE}]
                      [-o DIRECTORY] [--no-html] [--no-json] [--no-grep]
                      [--grouped-json] [-d DELIMITER] [-r] [-n DNS_SERVER]

Domain information dumper via LDAP. Dumps users/computers/groups and
OS/membership information to HTML/JSON/greppable output.

Required options:
  HOSTNAME              Hostname/ip or ldap://host:port connection string to
                        connect to (use ldaps:// to use SSL)

Main options:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        DOMAIN\username for authentication, leave empty for
                        anonymous authentication
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password or LM:NTLM hash, will prompt if not specified
  -at {NTLM,SIMPLE}, --authtype {NTLM,SIMPLE}
                        Authentication type (NTLM or SIMPLE, default: NTLM)

Output options:
                        Directory in which the dump will be saved (default:
  --no-html             Disable HTML output
  --no-json             Disable JSON output
  --no-grep             Disable Greppable output
  --grouped-json        Also write json files for grouped files (default:
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Field delimiter for greppable output (default: tab)

Misc options:
  -r, --resolve         Resolve computer hostnames (might take a while and
                        cause high traffic on large networks)
  -n DNS_SERVER, --dns-server DNS_SERVER
                        Use custom DNS resolver instead of system DNS (try a
                        domain controller IP)
  -m, --minimal         Only query minimal set of attributes to limit memmory

root@kali:~# ldd2bloodhound -h
usage: ldd2bloodhound [-h] [-d] FILENAME [FILENAME ...]

LDAPDomainDump to BloodHound CSV converter utility. Supports
users/computers/trusts conversion.

positional arguments:
  FILENAME     The ldapdomaindump json files to load. Required files:
               domain_users.json and domain_groups.json

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug  Enable debug logger

root@kali:~# ldd2pretty -h
usage: ldd2pretty [-h] [-d DIRECTORY]

LDAPDomainDump to pretty output like enum4linux.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        The ldapdomaindump directory where the json files are
                        saved. Required files: domain_users.json,
                        domain_groups.json and domain_policy.json

Updated on: 2024-Feb-16