Packages and Binaries:
pipx allows you to…
- Run the latest version of a CLI application from a package in a temporary virtual environment, leaving your system untouched after it finishes.
- Install packages to isolated virtual environments, while globally exposing their CLI applications so you can run them from anywhere.
- Easily list, upgrade, and uninstall packages that were installed with pipx.
pipx runs with regular user permissions, never calling “sudo pip install”.
Installed size: 3.62 MB
How to install: sudo apt install pipx
- python3
- python3-argcomplete
- python3-packaging
- python3-platformdirs
- python3-tomli | python3-supported-min
- python3-userpath
- python3-venv
Install and execute apps from Python packages.
root@kali:~# pipx -h
usage: pipx [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--global] [--version]
Install and execute apps from Python packages.
Binaries can either be installed globally into isolated Virtual Environments
or run directly in a temporary Virtual Environment.
Virtual Environment location is /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs.
Symlinks to apps are placed in /root/.local/bin.
Symlinks to manual pages are placed in /root/.local/share/man.
optional environment variables:
PIPX_HOME Overrides default pipx location. Virtual Environments
will be installed to $PIPX_HOME/venvs.
PIPX_GLOBAL_HOME Used instead of PIPX_HOME when the `--global` option
is given.
PIPX_BIN_DIR Overrides location of app installations. Apps are
symlinked or copied here.
PIPX_GLOBAL_BIN_DIR Used instead of PIPX_BIN_DIR when the `--global`
option is given.
PIPX_MAN_DIR Overrides location of manual pages installations.
Manual pages are symlinked or copied here.
PIPX_GLOBAL_MAN_DIR Used instead of PIPX_MAN_DIR when the `--global`
option is given.
PIPX_DEFAULT_PYTHON Overrides default python used for commands.
USE_EMOJI Overrides emoji behavior. Default value varies based
on platform.
PIPX_HOME_ALLOW_SPACE Overrides default warning on spaces in the home path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--quiet, -q Give less output. May be used multiple times
corresponding to the ERROR and CRITICAL logging
levels. The count maxes out at 2.
--verbose, -v Give more output. May be used multiple times
corresponding to the INFO, DEBUG and NOTSET logging
levels. The count maxes out at 3.
--global Perform action globally for all users.
--version Print version and exit
Get help for commands with pipx COMMAND --help
install Install a package
install-all Install all packages
uninject Uninstall injected packages from an existing Virtual
inject Install packages into an existing Virtual Environment
pin Pin the specified package to prevent it from being
unpin Unpin the specified package
upgrade Upgrade a package
upgrade-all Upgrade all packages. Runs `pip install -U <pkgname>`
for each package.
upgrade-shared Upgrade shared libraries.
uninstall Uninstall a package
uninstall-all Uninstall all packages
reinstall Reinstall a package
reinstall-all Reinstall all packages
list List installed packages
interpreter Interact with interpreters managed by pipx
run Download the latest version of a package to a
temporary virtual environment, then run an app from
it. Also compatible with local `__pypackages__`
directory (experimental).
runpip Run pip in an existing pipx-managed Virtual
ensurepath Ensure directories necessary for pipx operation are in
your PATH environment variable.
environment Print a list of environment variables and paths used
by pipx.
completions Print instructions on enabling shell completions for
Updated on: 2024-Nov-17