Packages and Binaries:


swaks (Swiss Army Knife SMTP) is a command-line tool written in Perl for testing SMTP setups; it supports STARTTLS and SMTP AUTH (PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, SPA, and DIGEST-MD5). swaks allows one to stop the SMTP dialog at any stage, e.g to check RCPT TO: without actually sending a mail.

If you are spending too much time iterating “telnet foo.example 25” swaks is for you.

Installed size: 313 KB
How to install: sudo apt install swaks

  • perl

Swiss Army Knife SMTP, the all-purpose SMTP transaction tester

root@kali:~# swaks --help
SWAKS(1)                             SWAKS                             SWAKS(1)

       Swaks - Swiss Army Knife SMTP, the all-purpose SMTP transaction tester

       Swaks' primary design goal is to be a flexible, scriptable, transaction-
       oriented SMTP test tool.  It handles SMTP features and extensions such
       as TLS, authentication, and pipelining; multiple version of the SMTP
       protocol including SMTP, ESMTP, and LMTP; and multiple transport methods
       including UNIX-domain sockets, internet-domain sockets, and pipes to
       spawned processes.  Options can be specified in environment variables,
       configuration files, and the command line allowing maximum
       configurability and ease of use for operators and scripters.

       Deliver a standard test email to [email protected] on port 25 of

        swaks --to [email protected] --server

       Deliver a standard test email, requiring CRAM-MD5 authentication as user
       [email protected].  An "X-Test" header will be added to the email body.
       The authentication password will be prompted for if it cannot be
       obtained from your .netrc file.

        swaks --to [email protected] --from [email protected] --auth CRAM-MD5 --auth-user [email protected] --header-X-Test "test email"

       Test a virus scanner using EICAR in an attachment.  Don't show the
       message DATA part.:

        swaks -t [email protected] --attach - --server --suppress-data </path/to/eicar.txt

       Test a spam scanner using GTUBE in the body of an email, routed via the
       MX records for

        swaks --to [email protected] --body @/path/to/gtube/file

       Deliver a standard test email to [email protected] using the LMTP
       protocol via a UNIX domain socket file

        swaks --to [email protected] --socket /var/lda.sock --protocol LMTP

       Report all the recipients in a text file that are non-verifiable on a
       test server:

        for E in `cat /path/to/email/file`
            swaks --to $E --server --quit-after RCPT --hide-all
            [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo $E

       This document tries to be consistent and specific in its use of the
       following terms to reduce confusion.

           The  target  of  a  transaction is the thing that Swaks connects to.
           This generic term is used throughout the documentation because  most
           other  terms  improperly  imply  something about the transport being

           The transport is the  underlying  method  used  to  connect  to  the

           A  transaction  is the opening of a connection over a transport to a
           target and using a  messaging  protocol  to  attempt  to  deliver  a

           The  protocol  is  the application language used to communicate with
           the target.  This document uses SMTP to  speak  generically  of  all
           three  supported  protocols  unless it states that it is speaking of
           the specific 'SMTP' protocol and excluding the others.

           SMTP protocols exist to transfer messages, a  set  of  bytes  in  an
           agreed-upon format that has a sender and a recipient.

           A  message's  envelope  contains the "true" sender and receiver of a
           message.  It can also be referred to as  its  components,  envelope-
           sender  and  envelope-recipients.   It  is  important to note that a
           messages envelope does not have  to  match  its  "To:"  and  "From:"

           The  DATA  portion of an SMTP transaction is the actual message that
           is being transported.  It consists of both the message's headers and
           its body.  DATA and body are sometimes used synonymously,  but  they
           are always two distinct things in this document.

           A  message's  headers  are defined as all the lines in the message's
           DATA section before the first blank line.  They contain  information
           about  the  email  that  will  be displayed to the recipient such as
           "To:", "From:", "Subject:", etc.   In  this  document  headers  will
           always  be  written  with  a capitalized first letter and a trailing

           A message's body is the portion of its DATA  section  following  the
           first blank line.

           An option is a flag which changes Swaks' behavior.  Always called an
           option   regardless   of   how   it   is  provided.   For  instance,
           "--no-data-fixup" is an option.

           When an option takes addition data beside the  option  itself,  that
           additional   data   is   called   an   argument.   In  "--quit-after
           <stop-point>'", "<stop-point>" is the argument to the "--quit-after"

           When used in the definition of an option, text  that  is  inside  of
           angle brackets ("<>") indicates a descriptive label for a value that
           the  user should provide.  For instance, "--quit-after <stop-point>"
           indicates that "<stop-point>" should be replaced with a valid  stop-
           point value.

           When  used  in  the  definition  of an option, text inside of square
           brackets ([]) indicates that  the  value  is  optional  and  can  be
           omitted.   For  instance,  "--to  [<recipient>]"  indicates that the
           "--to" option can be used with or without a specified "<recipient>".

       To prevent potential confusion in this  document  a  flag  to  Swaks  is
       always referred to as an "option".  If the option takes additional data,
       that  additional  data is referred to as an argument to the option.  For
       example, "--from [email protected]" might be provided  to  Swaks  on  the
       command  line,  with  "--from"  being  the option and "[email protected]"
       being "--from"'s argument.

       Options and arguments are the only way to provide information to  Swaks.
       If  Swaks  finds data during option processing that is neither an option
       nor an option's argument, it will error  and  exit.   For  instance,  if
       "--no-data-fixup 1" were found on the command line, this would result in
       an  error  because  "--no-data-fixup"  does  not  take  an  argument and
       therefore Swaks would not know what to do with 1.

       Options can be given to Swaks in three ways.  They can be specified in a
       configuration file, in environment variables, and on the  command  line.
       Depending on the specific option and whether an argument is given to it,
       Swaks may prompt the user for the argument.

       When  Swaks  evaluates  its  options, it first looks for a configuration
       file (either in a default location or specified with "--config").   Then
       it   evaluates  any  options  in  environment  variables.   Finally,  it
       evaluates command line  options.   At  each  round  of  processing,  any
       options set earlier will be overridden.  Additionally, any option can be
       prefixed  with  "no-"  to  cause  Swaks  to forget that the variable had
       previously been set (either in an earlier round, or earlier in the  same
       round).   This  capability  is  necessary  because  many  options  treat
       defined-but-no-argument differently than not-defined.

       As a general rule, if the same option is given multiple time,  the  last
       time  it  is  given  is the one that will be used.  This applies to both
       intra-method (if "--from [email protected] --from [email protected]"  is
       given,  "[email protected]"  will  be  used)  and inter-method (if "from
       [email protected]"   is   given   in   a   config   file   and   "--from
       [email protected]"  is  given  on  the command line, "[email protected]"
       will be used)

       Each option definition ends with a parenthetical  synopsis  of  how  the
       option behaves.  The following codes can be used

       Arg-None, Arg-Optional, Arg-Required
           These three codes are mutually exclusive and describe whether or not
           the  option  takes an argument.  Note that this does not necessarily
           describe whether the argument is required to be specified  directly,
           but   rather  whether  an  argument  is  required  eventually.   For
           instance, "--to" is labeled as Arg-Required,  but  it  is  legal  to
           specify  "--to"  on  the  command line without an argument.  This is
           because Swaks can prompt for the required  argument  if  it  is  not
           directly provided.

           An   option   labeled   with   From-Prompt   will  prompt  the  user
           interactively for the argument if none is provided.

           An option labeled with From-File will handle arguments as  files  in
           certain situations.

           If  the  initial argument is "-", the final argument is the contents
           of "STDIN".  Multiple options can all specify "STDIN", but the  same
           content will be used for each of them.

           If  the  initial argument is prefixed with "@", the argument will be
           treated as a path to a file.   The  file  will  be  opened  and  the
           contents will be used as the final argument.  If the contents of the
           file  can't  be  read, Swaks will exit.  To specify a literal string
           value starting with an "@", use two "@" symbols.  The first will  be
           stripped.   It  is not possible to include an unqualified file which
           starts with an "@" sign  (like  "--attach  @file.txt"  or  "--attach
           @@file.txt"),  but if you include a path to the file which splits up
           the two "@" signs, that will work (eg "--attach  @./@file.txt"  will
           include the contents of the file @file.txt).

           If  an  option  marked  Sensitive attempts to prompt the user for an
           argument and  the  "--protect-prompt"  option  is  set,  Swaks  will
           attempt  to  mask  the user input from being echoed on the terminal.
           Swaks tries to mask the input in several ways, but if none  of  them
           work program flow will continue with unmasked input.

           An option labeled Deprecated has been officially deprecated and will
           be  removed  in a future release.  See the "DEPRECATIONS" section of
           this documentation for details about the deprecations.

       The exact mechanism and format for using each of  the  types  is  listed

           A  configuration file can be used to set commonly-used or abnormally
           verbose  options.   By   default,   Swaks   looks   in   order   for
           $SWAKS_HOME/.swaksrc,  $HOME/.swaksrc, and $LOGDIR/.swaksrc.  If one
           of those is found to exist (and "--config" has not been  used)  that
           file is used as the configuration file.

           Additionally,  a configuration file in a non-default location can be
           specified using "--config".   If  this  is  set  and  not  given  an
           argument  Swaks  will  not use any configuration file, including any
           default file.  If "--config" points to a readable file, it  is  used
           as  the  configuration  file, overriding any default that may exist.
           If it points to a non-readable file an error will be shown and Swaks
           will exit.

           A set of "portable" defaults can also be created by  adding  options
           to the end of the Swaks program file.  As distributed, the last line
           of  Swaks should be "__END__".  Any lines added after "__END__" will
           be treated as the contents of a configuration file.  This  allows  a
           set  of  user  preferences to be automatically copied from server to
           server in a single file.

           If configuration files have not  been  explicitly  turned  off,  the
           "__END__"  config is always read.  Only one other configuration file
           will ever be used per single invocation of Swaks, even  if  multiple
           configuration  files  are  specified.   If  the "__END__" config and
           another config  are  to  be  read,  the  "__END__"  config  will  be
           processed  first.  Specifying the "--config" option with no argument
           turns off the processing of both the "__END__" config and any actual
           config files.

           In a configuration file  lines  beginning  with  a  hash  ("#")  are
           ignored.  All other lines are assumed to be an option to Swaks, with
           the  leading  dash  or  dashes optional.  Everything after an option
           line's first space is assumed to be the option's argument and is not
           shell processed.  Therefore, quoting is usually unneeded and will be
           included literally in the argument.

           There is a subtle difference between providing  an  option  with  no
           argument  and  providing  an  option  with an empty argument.  If an
           option line does not have a space, the entire line is treated as  an
           option  and  there  is  no  argument.   If the line ends in a single
           space, it will be processed as an option  with  an  empty  argument.
           So,  "apt" will be treated as "--apt", but "apt " will be treated as
           "--apt ''".

           Here is an example of the contents of a configuration file:

               # always use this sender, no matter server or logged in user
               --from [email protected]
               # I prefer my test emails have a pretty from header.  Note
               # the lack of dashes on option and lack of quotes around
               # entire argument.
               h-From: "Fred Example" <[email protected]>

           Options specific to configuration file:

           --config [<config-file>]
               This option provides a path to a specific configuration file  to
               be  used.  If specified with no argument, no automatically-found
               configuration file  (via  $HOME,  etc,  or  "__END__")  will  be
               processed.   If  the argument is a valid file, that file will be
               used as the configuration file  (after  "__END__"  config).   If
               argument  is  not  a  valid, readable file, Swaks will error and
               exit.  This option can be specified multiple times, but only the
               first time it is specified  (in  environment  variable  and  the
               command line search order) will be used. (Arg-Optional)

           Options  can  be  supplied via environment variables.  The variables
           are in the form $SWAKS_OPT_name, where "name" is  the  name  of  the
           option  that would be specified on the command line.  Because dashes
           aren't allowed  in  environment  variable  names  in  most  UNIX-ish
           shells,  no  leading dashes should be used and any dashes inside the
           option's name should be replaced with  underscores.   The  following
           would  create  the  same  options  shown  in  the configuration file

               $ SWAKS_OPT_from='[email protected]'
               $ SWAKS_OPT_h_From='"Fred Example" <[email protected]>'

           Setting a variable to an empty value is the same as specifying it on
           the  command  line  with  no  argument.    For   instance,   setting
           <SWAKS_OPT_server="">  would  cause Swaks to prompt the user for the
           server to which to connect at each invocation.  On  Windows,  it  is
           not  possible  to set empty environment variables.  The behavior can
           be simulated by setting the environment variable  to  "<>"  instead.
           Additionally,  embedding  the  header  name in the header option via
           environment   variable   is   not    allowed    on    Windows    (eg
           "SWAKS_OPT_header_Foo=bar"    will   result   in   an   error,   but
           "SWAKS_OPT_header="Foo: bar"" will work.)

           Because there is no inherent order in options  provided  by  setting
           environment   variables,   the   options  are  sorted  before  being
           processed.  This is not a great solution, but it  at  least  defines
           the behavior, which would be otherwise undefined.  As an example, if
           both  $SWAKS_OPT_from  and  $SWAKS_OPT_f  were  set,  the value from
           $SWAKS_OPT_from would be used, because it sorts after  $SWAKS_OPT_f.
           Also  as  a  result  of  not having an inherent order in environment
           processing, unsetting options with the "no-" prefix  is  unreliable.
           It  works  if  the  option  being turned off sorts before "no-", but
           fails if it sorts after. Because "no-" is primarily meant to operate
           between config types (for instance, unsetting from the command  line
           an option that was set in a config file), this is not likely to be a

           In  addition  to  setting  the  equivalent  of command line options,
           $SWAKS_HOME can  be  set  to  a  directory  containing  the  default
           .swaksrc to be used.

           The  final  method  of supplying options to Swaks is via the command
           line.  The options behave in a manner consistent with most  UNIX-ish
           command line programs.  Many options have both a short and long form
           (for instance "-s" and "--server").  By convention short options are
           specified  with  a single dash and long options are specified with a
           double-dash.  This is only a convention and either prefix will  work
           with either type.

           The  following  demonstrates  the example shown in the configuration
           file and environment variable sections:

               $ swaks --from [email protected] --h-From: '"Fred Example" <[email protected]>'

       Swaks can connect to a target via  UNIX  pipes  ("pipes"),  UNIX  domain
       sockets   ("UNIX   sockets"),   or  internet  domain  sockets  ("network
       sockets").  Connecting via network  sockets  is  the  default  behavior.
       Because  of  the  singular  nature  of  the  transport used, each set of
       options in the following section is mutually exclusive.  Specifying more
       than one of "--server", "--pipe", or "--socket" will result in an error.
       Mixing other options between transport types will  only  result  in  the
       irrelevant  options being ignored.  Below is a brief description of each
       type of transport and the options that are specific  to  that  transport

           This  transport  attempts  to  deliver  a  message  via  TCP/IP, the
           standard method for delivering SMTP.  This is the default  transport
           for Swaks.  If none of "--server", "--pipe", or "--socket" are given
           then this transport is used and the target server is determined from
           the recipient's domain (see "--server" below for more details).

           This  transport requires the IO::Socket::IP module for both IPv4 and
           IPv6 sockets.  If this module is not loadable, Swaks will attempt to
           use the IO::Socket library for IPv4 and IO::Socket::INET6  for  IPv6
           support.   Attempting  to  use  this  transport  with  none of those
           libraries available will result in an error and program termination.

           The fall back to IO::Socket and IO::Socket::INET6 is deprecated  and
           will be removed in a future release.  See DEPRECATIONS below

           -s, --server [<target-server>[:<port>]]
               Explicitly  tell  Swaks  to  use network sockets and specify the
               hostname or IP address to which to  connect,  or  prompt  if  no
               argument  is  given.   If  this option is not given and no other
               transport option is given, the target mail server is  determined
               from the appropriate DNS records for the domain of the recipient
               email  address  using  the  Net::DNS module.  If Net::DNS is not
               available Swaks will attempt to connect to localhost to deliver.
               The target port can optionally be set here.   Supported  formats
               for   this   include  SERVER:PORT  (supporting  names  and  IPv4
               addresses); [SERVER]:PORT  and  SERVER/PORT  (supporting  names,
               IPv4  and IPv6 addresses).  A port set via this option will only
               be  used  if  the  "--port"  option  is  not  used.   See   also
               "--copy-routing". (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           -p, --port [<port>]
               Specify which TCP port on the target is to be used, or prompt if
               no  argument  is listed.  The argument can be a service name (as
               retrieved by getservbyname(3)) or a port  number.   The  default
               port  is  smtp/25  unless  influenced  by  the  "--protocol"  or
               "--tls-on-connect" options. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           -li, --local-interface [<local-interface>[:<port>]]
               Use argument as  the  local  interface  for  the  outgoing  SMTP
               connection,  or  prompt user if no argument given.  Argument can
               be an IP address or a hostname.  Default action is  to  let  the
               operating system choose the local interface.  See "--server" for
               additional  comments  on  :<port>  format.   A port set via this
               option will only be used if the "--port"  option  is  not  used.
               (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           -lp, --local-port, --lport [<port>]
               Specify   the   outgoing   port  from  which  to  originate  the
               transaction.  The argument can be a service name  (as  retrieved
               by  getservbyname(3))  or  a port number.  If this option is not
               specified the system will pick an  ephemeral  port.   Note  that
               regular  users  cannot  specify some ports. (Arg-Required, From-

           --copy-routing <domain>
               The argument is interpreted as  the  domain  part  of  an  email
               address  and it is used to find the target server using the same
               logic that would be used to look up  the  target  server  for  a
               recipient  email address.  See "--to" option for more details on
               how the target  is  determined  from  the  email  domain.  (Arg-

           -4, -6
               Force IPv4 or IPv6. (Arg-None)

           This transport method attempts to deliver messages via a UNIX-domain
           socket  file.   This  is  useful for testing MTA/MDAs that listen on
           socket files (for instance, testing LMTP delivery to  Cyrus).   This
           transport  requires the IO::Socket::UNIX module which is part of the
           standard  Perl  distribution.   If  this  module  is  not  loadable,
           attempting to use this transport will result in an error and program

           --socket [<socket-file>]
               This option takes as its argument a UNIX-domain socket file.  If
               Swaks is unable to open this socket it will display an error and
               exit. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           This  transport  attempts to spawn a process and communicate with it
           via pipes.  The spawned program must be prepared to behave as a mail
           server over "STDIN"/"STDOUT".  Any  MTA  designed  to  operate  from
           inet/xinet  should  support  this.   In  addition, some MTAs provide
           testing modes that can be communicated  with  via  "STDIN"/"STDOUT".
           This  transport  can be used to automate that testing.  For example,
           if you implemented DNSBL checking with Exim and you wanted  to  make
           sure  it  was  working,  you  could  run  "swaks  --pipe  "exim  -bh
 "".  Ideally, the process you are talking to should  behave
           exactly  like an SMTP server on "STDIN" and "STDOUT".  Any debugging
           should be sent to "STDERR", which will be directed to your terminal.
           In practice, Swaks can generally handle some debug  on  the  child's
           "STDOUT", but there are no guarantees on how much it can handle.

           This  transport  requires the IPC::Open2 module which is part of the
           standard  Perl  distribution.   If  this  module  is  not  loadable,
           attempting to use this transport will result in an error and program

           --pipe [<command-and-arguments>]
               Provide a process name and arguments to the process.  Swaks will
               attempt  to spawn the process and communicate with it via pipes.
               If the argument is not an executable Swaks will display an error
               and exit. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       These options are related to the protocol layer.

       -t, --to [<email-address>[,<email-address>[,...]]]
       --cc [<email-address>[,<email-address>[,...]]]
       --bcc [<email-address>[,<email-address>[,...]]]
           These options all tell Swaks to use the argument(s) as the envelope-
           recipient for the email.  There are subtle differences between these
           three options, detailed below.  If any option is specified but  with
           no arguments, Swaks will prompt the user for an argument.

           "--to"  is  special in that it is the only option required by Swaks.
           There is no default value for this option.   If  no  recipients  are
           provided  via  any  means,  user  will  be  prompted  to provide one
           interactively.  The only exception to this is  if  a  "--quit-after"
           value  is  provided  which  will  cause  the  SMTP transaction to be
           terminated before the recipient is needed.  If  multiple  recipients
           are  provided  and  the  recipient  domain  is  needed  to determine
           routing, the domain of the last recipient  in  the  "--to"  argument
           list is used.

           The primary distinction between these options is how their arguments
           are  treated  when  generating  the DATA portion of the email.  They
           each   have   their   own   replacement   tokens    ("%TO_ADDRESS%",
           "%CC_ADDRESS%",  and "%BCC_ADDRESS%" respectively) which can be used
           by anyone crafting  a  custom  DATA.   In  Swaks'  default  message,
           "%TO_ADDRESS%"  will  be  used  for  the  To:  header  and, if it is
           populated,  "%CC_HEADER%"  will  be   used   for   a   Cc:   header.
           "%BCC_ADDRESS%"  is  not  used  in  the default DATA. (Arg-Required,

       -f, --from [<email-address>]
           Use argument as envelope-sender for email,  or  prompt  user  if  no
           argument  specified.   The  string  "<>" can be supplied to mean the
           null sender.  If user does not specify a sender  address  a  default
           value  is  used.   The  domain-part  of the default sender is a best
           guess at the fully-qualified domain name of  the  local  host.   The
           method  of  determining  the  local-part  varies.   If  the $LOGNAME
           environment variable is set, it will  be  used  as  the  local-part.
           Otherwise  the  value  from  "Win32::LoginName()"  will  be  used on
           Windows  and  getpwuid(3)   on   UNIX-ish   platforms.    See   also
           "--force-getpwuid".   If Swaks cannot determine a local hostname and
           the sender address is needed for the transaction, Swaks  will  error
           and  exit.   In  this case, a valid string must be provided via this
           option. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       --ehlo, --lhlo, -h, --helo [<helo-string>]
           String to use as argument to HELO/EHLO/LHLO command, or prompt  user
           if  no  argument  is  specified.   If this option is not used a best
           guess at the fully-qualified domain name of the local host is  used.
           If  Swaks  cannot  determine a local hostname and the helo string is
           needed for the transaction, Swaks will  error  and  exit.   In  this
           case,  a  valid  string  must  be  provided  via  this option. (Arg-
           Required, From-Prompt)

       -q, --quit, --quit-after <stop-point>
           Point  at  which  the  transaction  should  be  stopped.   When  the
           requested stopping point is reached in the transaction, and provided
           that Swaks has not errored out prior to reaching it, Swaks will send
           "QUIT"  and  attempt to close the connection cleanly.  These are the
           valid arguments and notes about their meaning. (Arg-Required)

               Quit after the server sends a response to a PROXY request.  Note
               that if there is not an error negotiating proxy,  this  will  be
               synonymous with CONNECT.

           CONNECT, BANNER
               Terminate  the  session after receiving the greeting banner from
               the target.

               In a STARTTLS (but not tls-on-connect)  session,  terminate  the
               transaction  after  the  first  of two HELOs.  In a non-STARTTLS
               transaction, behaves the same as HELO (see below).

               Quit after XCLIENT is negotiation. This always quits  after  the
               point  where  XCLIENT  would have been negotiated, regardless of
               whether it was attempted.

               Quit after the HELO  that  XCLIENT  negotiation  triggers.  This
               differs from HELO and FIRST-HELO because XCLIENT negotiation can
               happen  at  multiple  points  in  the SMTP transaction and it is
               impossible to specifically refer to the  XCLIENT-triggered  HELO
               using  the  HELO  or  FIRST-HELO  stop-points. This always quits
               after the point where  the  XCLIENT-triggered  HELO  would  have
               occurred, regardless of whether it was attempted.

           STARTTLS, TLS
               Quit  the  transaction  immediately  following  TLS negotiation.
               Note that this happens in different places depending on  whether
               STARTTLS  or  tls-on-connect  are used.  This always quits after
               the point where TLS would have been  negotiated,  regardless  of
               whether it was attempted.

           HELO, EHLO, LHLO
               In  a  STARTTLS  or XCLIENT session, quit after the second HELO.
               Otherwise quit after the first and only HELO.

               Quit after authentication.  This always quits  after  the  point
               where  authentication  would have been negotiated, regardless of
               whether it was attempted.

           MAIL, FROM
               Quit after MAIL FROM: is sent.

           RCPT, TO
               Quit after RCPT TO: is sent.

       --da, --drop-after <stop-point>
           The option is similar to "--quit-after", but instead  of  trying  to
           cleanly  shut  down  the  session  it simply terminates the session.
           This option accepts  the  same  stop-points  as  "--quit-after"  and
           additionally accepts DATA and DOT, detailed below. (Arg-Required)

               Drop the connection after DATA is sent by server.

           DOT Drop  the  connection after the final '.' of the message is sent
               by server.

       --das, --drop-after-send <stop-point>
           This option is similar to "--drop-after", but  instead  of  dropping
           the  connection after reading a response to the stop-point, it drops
           the connection immediately after sending stop-point.  It accepts the
           same stop-points as "--drop-after". If  the  stop-point  is  for  an
           optional  part  of  the  transaction which is not actually sent (for
           instance STARTTLS or AUTH), this option will behave  identically  to
           "--drop-after". See below for specific details. (Arg-Required)

               Connect  to  the  server  and  then  drops the connection before
               receiving the server's banner.

           STARTTLS, TLS
               Behaves identically to "--drop-after".

           HELO, EHLO, LHLO
               Doesn't necessarily work as expected.  If it appears to read the
               HELO response incorrectly, use FIRST-HELO instead.

       --timeout [<time>]
           Use argument as the SMTP transaction timeout, or prompt user  if  no
           argument  given.  Argument can either be a pure digit, which will be
           interpreted as seconds, or can have a specifier s, m, or h (5s  =  5
           seconds, 3m = 180 seconds, 1h = 3600 seconds).  As a special case, 0
           means  don't  timeout the transactions.  Default value is 30s. (Arg-
           Required, From-Prompt)

       --protocol <protocol>
           Specify which protocol to use in the transaction.  Valid options are
           shown in the table below.  Currently the 'core' protocols are  SMTP,
           ESMTP,  and  LMTP.   By using variations of these protocol types one
           can tersely specify default ports, whether authentication should  be
           attempted,  and the type of TLS connection that should be attempted.
           The default protocol is ESMTP.  The following table demonstrates the
           available arguments to "--protocol" and the options each sets  as  a
           side effect.  (Arg-Required)

               HELO, "-p 25"

               EHLO->HELO, "-tlsc -p 465"

               EHLO->HELO, "-a -tlsc -p 465"

               HELO, "-tlsc -p 465"

               EHLO->HELO, "-p 25"

               EHLO->HELO, "-a -p 25"

               EHLO->HELO, "-tls -p 25"

               EHLO->HELO, "-a -tls -p 25"

               LHLO, "-p 24"

               LHLO, "-a -p 24"

               LHLO, "-tls -p 24"

               LHLO, "-a -tls -p 24"

           If  the  remote  server  supports  it,  attempt SMTP PIPELINING (RFC
           2920). (Arg-None)

           If the server  supports  it,  attempt  Per-Recipient  Data  Response
           (PRDR) (<>).  PRDR
           is  not  yet  standardized,  but  MTAs  have  begun implementing the
           proposal. (Arg-None)

           Tell Swaks to use  the  system-default  method  of  determining  the
           current user's username for the default sender local-part instead of
           trying  $LOGNAME  first.  Despite the UNIX-ish-specific option name,
           this option also works on Windows. (Arg-None)

       These are options related to encrypting  the  transaction.   These  have
       been tested and confirmed to work with all three transport methods.  The
       Net::SSLeay  module  is used to perform encryption when it is requested.
       If this module is not loadable Swaks will either ignore the TLS  request
       or  error  out, depending on whether the request was optional.  STARTTLS
       is defined as an extension in the ESMTP protocol and will be unavailable
       if "--protocol" is set to a variation of plain SMTP.  Because it is  not
       defined  in the protocol itself, "--tls-on-connect" is available for any
       protocol type if the target supports it.

       A local  certificate  is  not  required  for  a  TLS  connection  to  be
       negotiated.   However,  some  servers use client certificate checking to
       verify that the client is allowed to connect.  Swaks can be told to  use
       a  specific  local  certificate  using  the "--tls-cert" and "--tls-key"
       options,  and  optionally  to  use  a  certificate   chain   using   the
       "--tls-chain" option.

           Require  connection  to use STARTTLS.  Exit if TLS not available for
           any reason (not advertised, negotiations failed, etc). (Arg-None)

       -tlso, --tls-optional
           Attempt  to  use  STARTTLS  if  available,  continue   with   normal
           transaction if TLS was unable to be negotiated for any reason.  Note
           that  this is a semi-useless option as currently implemented because
           after a negotiation failure the state of the connection is  unknown.
           In  some  cases,  like  a version mismatch, the connection should be
           left as plaintext.  In others,  like  a  verification  failure,  the
           server-side may think that it should continue speaking TLS while the
           client  thinks it is plaintext.  There may be an attempt to add more
           granular state detection in the future, but for now  just  be  aware
           that  odd  things may happen with this option if the TLS negotiation
           is attempted and fails. (Arg-None)

       -tlsos, --tls-optional-strict
           Attempt to use STARTTLS if available.  Proceed with  transaction  if
           TLS  is  negotiated  successfully  or  STARTTLS  not advertised.  If
           STARTTLS is advertised but TLS negotiations fail, treat as an  error
           and  abort  transaction.   Due  to the caveat noted above, this is a
           much saner option than "--tls-optional". (Arg-None)

       -tlsc, --tls-on-connect
           Initiate a TLS  connection  immediately  on  connection.   Following
           common  convention,  if  this  option  is specified the default port
           changes from 25 to 465, though this can still be overridden with the
           --port option. (Arg-None)

       -tlsp, --tls-protocol <tls-version-specification>
           Specify which protocols to use (or not use)  when  negotiating  TLS.
           At  the  time  of  this  writing, the available protocols are sslv2,
           sslv3, tlsv1, tlsv1_1, tlsv1_2, and tlsv1_3.   The  availability  of
           these  protocols is dependent on your underlying OpenSSL library, so
           not all of these may be available.  The list of available  protocols
           is  shown  in  the  output of "--dump" (assuming TLS is available at

           The specification string is a comma-delimited list of protocols that
           can be used or not used.  For  instance  'tlsv1,tlsv1_1'  will  only
           succeed  if  one  of  those  two  protocols is available on both the
           client and the server.  Conversely, 'no_sslv2,no_sslv3' will attempt
           to negotiate any protocol except sslv2 and sslv3.  The two forms  of
           specification cannot be mixed. (Arg-Required)

       --tls-cipher <cipher-string>
           The  argument  to  this  option  is passed to the underlying OpenSSL
           library to set the list of acceptable ciphers to the be used for the
           connection.  The format of this string is opaque  to  Swaks  and  is
           defined                                                           in
           A brief example would be "--tls-cipher '3DES:+RSA'". (Arg-Required)

           Tell Swaks to attempt to  verify  the  server's  certificate.   This
           option  is  identical  to  specifying both the "--tls-verify-ca" and
           "--tls-verify-host"  options.   See  those  options   for   detailed
           descriptions of how to fine-tune each type of verification.

           By  default,  TLS verification is not required.  If TLS verification
           is    required    by    "--tls-verify",    "--tls-verify-ca",     or
           "--tls-verify-host"  and  the  requested type of verification fails,
           TLS negotiation will not succeed. (Arg-None)

           Require  that  the  server's  certificate  be  signed  by  a   known
           certificate  authority  and  not be expired.  By default the list of
           known CAs will be whatever is available  via  the  client  Swaks  is
           running on.  To provide a custom CA, see "--tls-ca-path". (Arg-None)

           Require  that  the target of the current connection be listed in the
           server certificate's  Subject  Alternative  Name  (SAN)  or  Subject
           CommonName (CN).

           The  target that Swaks uses for verification will vary.  It can be a
           hostname, either provided directly  via  the  "--server"  option  or
           looked  up  via  MX records.  In this case, verification performs as
           expected.  If the target is an IP, the IP will be looked up  in  the
           certificate,  which  is  possible  but unusual.  If the transport is
           "--pipe" or "--socket", there will not be  a  meaningful  target  to
           verify  in  the  certificate  and  verification  will fail.  In this
           situation it's better to use only "--tls-verify-ca" or  to  override
           the  target  used  for  verification  with the "--tls-verify-target"
           option. (Arg-None)

       --tls-verify-target <verification-string>
           When set, the argument to this option will be used as the host to be
           verified for "--tls-verify-host".   This  is  necessary  when  using
           "--tls-verify-host"   with   either   the   "--pipe"  or  "--socket"
           transports, which do not have a verifiable target  by  default.   It
           can  also  be  used to override the default target lookup when using
           the "--server" transport.  For instance, it can be  used  to  verify
           that  the  certificate  of  a  server  explicitly  connect to via IP
           contains a specific certificate. (Arg-Required)

       --tls-ca-path <ca-location>
           Specify an alternate  location  for  CA  information  for  verifying
           server certificates.  The argument can point to a file or directory.
           The  default  behavior  is  to  use the underlying OpenSSL library's
           default information. (Arg-Required)

       --tls-cert <cert-file>
           Provide a path to a file  containing  the  local  certificate  Swaks
           should use if TLS is negotiated.  If a certificate chain needs to be
           provided,  it  can  be provided via this file or via a separate file
           with  "--tls-chain".   The  file  path  argument  is  required.   As
           currently  implemented  the  certificate  in the file must be in PEM
           format.  Contact the author if there's a compelling need  for  ASN1.
           If this option is set, "--tls-key" is also required. (Arg-Required)

       --tls-key <key-file>
           Provide  a  path  to  a  file containing the local private key Swaks
           should use  if  TLS  is  negotiated.   The  file  path  argument  is
           required.  As currently implemented the certificate in the file must
           be  in  PEM format.  Contact the author if there's a compelling need
           for ASN1.  If this option is set,  "--tls-cert"  is  also  required.

       --tls-chain <chain-file>
           Provide  a  path  to  a  file containing the local certificate chain
           Swaks should use if TLS is negotiated.  The file  path  argument  is
           required.  As currently implemented the certificate in the file must
           be  in  PEM format.  Contact the author if there's a compelling need
           for ASN1.  If this option is set, "--tls-cert" and  "--tls-key"  are
           also required. (Arg-Required)

       --tls-get-peer-cert [<output-file>]
           Get  a copy of the TLS peer's certificate.  If no argument is given,
           it will be displayed to "STDOUT".  If an argument  is  given  it  is
           assumed  to  be  a  filesystem path specifying where the certificate
           should be written.  The saved certificate can then be examined using
           standard tools such as the openssl command.  If a file is  specified
           its contents will be overwritten.  This option will only ever return
           one  certificate.   In  order  to  get every certificate sent by the
           server, see "--tls-get-peer-chain". (Arg-Optional)

       --tls-get-peer-chain [<output-file>]
           Get a copy of the TLS certificate chain sent by the server.   If  no
           argument is given, it will be displayed to "STDOUT".  If an argument
           is  given it is assumed to be a filesystem path specifying where the
           certificate should be written.  The saved chain can then be examined
           using standard tools such as the openssl  command.   If  a  file  is
           specified    its    contents   will   be   overwritten.   See   also
           "--tls-get-peer-cert". (Arg-Optional)

       --tls-sni <sni-string>
           Specify the Server Name  Indication  field  to  send  when  the  TLS
           connection is initiated. (Arg-Required)

       Swaks  will  attempt  to  authenticate  to  the  target  mail  server if
       instructed to do so.   This  section  details  available  authentication
       types,  requirements,  options  and  their  interactions, and other fine
       points in authentication usage.  Because authentication is defined as an
       extension in the ESMTP protocol it will be unavailable  if  "--protocol"
       is set to a variation of SMTP.

       All authentication methods require base64 encoding.  If the MIME::Base64
       Perl  module  is  loadable  Swaks  attempts  to  use it to perform these
       encodings.  If MIME::Base64 is not available  Swaks  will  use  its  own
       onboard  base64  routines.   These  are  slower  than  the  MIME::Base64
       routines and less reviewed, though they  have  been  tested  thoroughly.
       Using the MIME::Base64 module is encouraged.

       If  authentication  is  required  (see  options below for when it is and
       isn't required) and the requirements aren't met for  the  authentication
       type  available,  Swaks  displays an error and exits.  Two ways this can
       happen include forcing Swaks to use a specific authentication type  that
       Swaks  can't  use  due to missing requirements, or allowing Swaks to use
       any authentication type, but the  server  only  advertises  types  Swaks
       can't support.  In the former case Swaks errors out at option processing
       time  since  it knows up front it won't be able to authenticate.  In the
       latter case Swaks will error out at the authentication stage of the SMTP
       transaction since Swaks will not be aware that it will not  be  able  to
       authenticate until that point.

       Following   are   the   supported  authentication  types  including  any
       individual notes and requirements.

       The following  options  affect  Swaks'  use  of  authentication.   These
       options  are  all inter-related.  For instance, specifying "--auth-user"
       implies "--auth" and  "--auth-password".   Specifying  "--auth-optional"
       implies "--auth-user" and "--auth-password", etc.

       -a, --auth [<auth-type>[,<auth-type>[,...]]]
           Require  Swaks  to  authenticate.   If  no  argument  is  given, any
           supported auth-types advertised by the server are  tried  until  one
           succeeds or all fail.  If one or more auth-types are specified as an
           argument, each that the server also supports is tried in order until
           one   succeeds   or   all  fail.   This  option  requires  Swaks  to
           authenticate, so if no common auth-types are found or no credentials
           succeed, Swaks displays an error and exits. (Arg-Optional)

           The following tables lists the valid auth-types

           LOGIN, PLAIN
               These basic authentication types are fully supported and  tested
               and have no additional requirements

               The  CRAM-MD5 authenticator requires the Digest::MD5 module.  It
               is fully tested and believed to work  against  any  server  that
               implements it.

               The DIGEST-MD5 authenticator (RFC2831) requires the Authen::SASL
               module.   Version  20100211.0 and earlier used Authen::DigestMD5
               which had some protocol level errors  which  prevented  it  from
               working  with  some servers.  Authen::SASL's DIGEST-MD5 handling
               is much more robust.

               The DIGEST-MD5 implementation in Swaks is fairly  immature.   It
               currently  supports  only the "auth" qop type, for instance.  If
               you have DIGEST-MD5 experience and  would  like  to  help  Swaks
               support DIGEST-MD5 better, please get in touch with me.

               The  DIGEST-MD5  protocol's  "realm"  value can be set using the
               "--auth-extra"  "realm"  keyword.   If  no  realm  is  given,  a
               reasonable default will be used.

               The  DIGEST-MD5  protocol's "digest-uri" values can be set using
               the "--auth-extra" option.  For instance, you could  create  the
               digest-uri-value of "lmtp/" with the
               option                                             "--auth-extra
               The "digest-uri-value" string and its components is  defined  in
               RFC2831.  If none of these values are given, reasonable defaults
               will be used.

               The  CRAM-SHA1  authenticator  requires  the Digest::SHA module.
               This  type  has  only  been  tested   against   a   non-standard
               implementation  on  an  Exim  server and may therefore have some
               implementation deficiencies.

               These authenticators require the Authen::NTLM module.  This type
               has been tested against Exim, Communigate, and Exchange 2007.

               In  addition  to  the  standard  username  and  password,   this
               authentication  type  can also recognize a "domain".  The domain
               can be set using the "--auth-extra" "domain" keyword.  Note that
               this has never been tested  with  a  mail  server  that  doesn't
               ignore DOMAIN so this may be implemented incorrectly.

       -ao, --auth-optional [<auth-type>[,<auth-type>[,...]]]
           This  option behaves identically to "--auth" except that it requests
           authentication rather than requiring it.  If  no  common  auth-types
           are   found   or  no  credentials  succeed,  Swaks  proceeds  as  if
           authentication had not been requested. (Arg-Optional)

       -aos, --auth-optional-strict [<auth-type>[,<auth-type>[,...]]]
           This option is a compromise between "--auth" and  "--auth-optional".
           If  authentication  is  never  attempted  (server  doesn't advertise
           authentication or no common  authentication  types  are  found),  it
           behaves  like  "--auth-optional" and the smtp transaction continues.
           If authentication is attempted but fails, it behaves  like  "--auth"
           and exits with an error. (Arg-Optional)

       -au, --auth-user [<username>]
           Provide  the username to be used for authentication.  If no username
           is provided, indicate that Swaks should attempt to find the username
           via .netrc (requires the Net::Netrc  module).   If  no  username  is
           provided  and cannot be found via .netrc,  the user will be prompted
           to provide one.  The string "<>" can be supplied to  mean  an  empty
           username. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       -ap, --auth-password [<password>]
           Provide  the  password to be used for authentication. If no password
           is provided, indicate that Swaks should attempt to find the password
           via .netrc (requires the Net::Netrc  module).   If  no  password  is
           provided  and cannot be found via .netrc,  the user will be prompted
           to provide one.  The string "<>" can be supplied to  mean  an  empty
           password. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt, Sensitive)

       -ae, --auth-extra <key-value-pair>[,<key-value-pair>[,...]]
           Some  of  the  authentication  types  allow  extra information to be
           included in the authentication  process.   Rather  than  add  a  new
           option  for  every  nook  and  cranny  of  each  authenticator,  the
           "--auth-extra" option allows this information to be  supplied.   The
           format for <key-value-pair> is KEYWORD=VALUE. (Arg-Required)

           The  following table lists the currently recognized keywords and the
           authenticators that use them

           realm, domain
               The realm and domain keywords are synonymous.  Using either will
               set the "domain" option in NTLM/MSN/SPA and the  "realm"  option
               in DIGEST-MD5

               The   dmd5-serv-type   keyword   is   used   by  the  DIGEST-MD5
               authenticator and is used, in part,  to  build  the  digest-uri-
               value string (see RFC2831)

               The  dmd5-host  keyword  is used by the DIGEST-MD5 authenticator
               and is used, in part, to build the digest-uri-value string  (see

               The   dmd5-serv-name   keyword   is   used   by  the  DIGEST-MD5
               authenticator and is used, in part,  to  build  the  digest-uri-
               value string (see RFC2831)

       -am, --auth-map <key-value-pair>[,<key-value-pair>[,...]]
           Provides  a  way  to  map  alternate  names onto base authentication
           types.  Useful for any sites that use  alternate  names  for  common
           types.   The  format  for  <key-value-pair> is AUTH-ALIAS=AUTH-TYPE.
           This functionality is actually used internally to map types SPA  and
           MSN  onto the base type NTLM.  The command line argument to simulate
           this would be "--auth-map SPA=NTLM,MSN=NTLM".  All of the auth-types
           listed above are valid targets for mapping except SPA and MSN. (Arg-

       -apt, --auth-plaintext
           Instead  of  showing  AUTH  strings  base64  encoded  as  they   are
           transmitted,  translate them to plaintext before printing on screen.

       -ahp, --auth-hide-password [<replacement-string>]
           If this option is specified, any time a readable password  would  be
           printed to the terminal (specifically AUTH PLAIN and AUTH LOGIN) the
           password  is replaced with the string 'PROVIDED_BUT_REMOVED' (or the
           contents of <replacement-string> if provided).  The dummy string may
           or may not be base64 encoded, contingent on  the  "--auth-plaintext"

           Note  that  "--auth-hide-password" is similar, but not identical, to
           the "--protect-prompt" option.  The former protects  passwords  from
           being  displayed  in the SMTP transaction regardless of how they are
           entered.  The latter protects sensitive strings when the user  types
           them  at  the  terminal, regardless of how the string would be used.

       XCLIENT is an SMTP extension introduced by the Postfix project.  XCLIENT
       allows a (properly-authorized) client to tell a server to use  alternate
       information,  such  as  IP  address  or  hostname, for the client.  This
       allows much easier paths for testing mail server  configurations.   Full
       details       on       the      protocol      are      available      at

       The XCLIENT verb can be passed to the server  multiple  times  per  SMTP
       session  with  different attributes.  For instance, HELO and PROTO might
       be passed in one call and NAME and ADDR passed in a second.  Because  it
       can  be  useful  for  testing,  Swaks  exposes some control over how the
       attributes are grouped and in what order they are passed to the  server.
       The different options attempt to expose simplicity for those using Swaks
       as a client, and complexity for those using Swaks to test installs.

       --xclient-addr [<string>]
       --xclient-name [<string>]
       --xclient-port [<string>]
       --xclient-proto [<string>]
       --xclient-destaddr [<string>]
       --xclient-destport [<string>]
       --xclient-helo [<string>]
       --xclient-login [<string>]
       --xclient-reverse-name [<string>]
           These  options specify XCLIENT attributes that should be sent to the
           target server.  If <string> is not provided, Swaks will  prompt  and
           read         the         value        on        "STDIN".         See
           <>      for       official
           documentation  for  what  the  attributes  mean  and  their possible
           values, including the special  "[UNAVAILABLE]"  and  "[TEMPUNAVAIL]"

           By  way  of  simple example, setting "--xclient-name
           --xclient-addr"  will  cause  Swaks  to  send  the  SMTP
           command "XCLIENT ADDR=".

           Note that the "REVERSE_NAME" attribute doesn't seem to appear in the
           official  documentation.   There  is  a  mailing  list  thread  that
           documents               it,               viewable                at

           These  options  can  all  be mixed with each other, and can be mixed
           with the "--xclient" option (see below). By default  all  attributes
           will  be  combined into one XCLIENT call, but see "--xclient-delim".
           (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           When this option is specified,  it  indicates  a  break  in  XCLIENT
           attributes  to be sent.  For instance, setting "--xclient-helo 'helo
           string'     --xclient-delim      --xclient-name
           --xclient-addr"  will  cause  Swaks to send two XCLIENT
           calls,      "XCLIENT      HELO=helo+20string"      and      "XCLIENT
   ADDR=".   This  option  is  ignored
           where it doesn't make sense (at the start or end of XCLIENT options,
           by itself, consecutively, etc). (Arg-None)

       --xclient [<string>]
           This is the "free form" XCLIENT option.  Whatever value is  provided
           for  <string>  will  be sent verbatim as the argument to the XCLIENT
           SMTP command.  For example, if  "--xclient  'NAME=  ADDR=
           FOO=bar'"  is  used, Swaks will send the SMTP command "XCLIENT NAME=
           ADDR= FOO=bar".  If no  argument  is  passed  on  command
           line, Swaks will prompt and read the value on STDIN.

           The  primary  advantage to this over the more specific options above
           is that there is no XCLIENT syntax validation here.  This allows you
           to  send  invalid  XCLIENT  to  the  target  server   for   testing.
           Additionally,  at least one MTA (Message Systems' Momentum, formerly
           ecelerity)  implements   XCLIENT   without   advertising   supported
           attributes.    The   "--xclient"  option  allows  you  to  skip  the
           "supported attributes" check when communicating with  this  type  of
           MTA (though see also "--xclient-no-verify").

           The  "--xclient"  option  can be mixed freely with the "--xclient-*"
           options above.  The argument to "--xclient" will be sent in its  own
           command   group.    For  instance,  if  "--xclient-addr
           --xclient-port 26 --xclient 'FOO=bar NAME=wind'" is given to  Swaks,
           "XCLIENT  ADDR=  PORT=26" and "XCLIENT FOO=bar NAME=wind"
           will both be sent to the target server. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

           Do not enforce the requirement that an  XCLIENT  attribute  must  be
           advertised by the server in order for Swaks to send it in an XCLIENT
           command.   This  is  to  support  servers  which don't advertise the
           attributes but still support them. (Arg-None)

           If Swaks is configured to attempt both XCLIENT and STARTTLS, it will
           do STARTTLS first.  If this option  is  specified  it  will  attempt
           XCLIENT first. (Arg-None)

           In  normal  operation,  setting one of the "--xclient*" options will
           require a successful XCLIENT transaction to take place in  order  to
           proceed  (that  is,  XCLIENT  needs  to be advertised, all the user-
           requested attributes need to have been advertised,  and  the  server
           needs  to  have  accepted  Swaks'  XCLIENT  request).  These options
           change that behavior.  "--xclient-optional" tells Swaks  to  proceed
           unconditionally  past  the  XCLIENT  stage  of the SMTP transaction,
           regardless      of      whether       it       was       successful.
           "--xclient-optional-strict"  is  similar  but  more  granular.   The
           strict version will continue to XCLIENT was not advertised, but will
           fail if XCLIENT was attempted but did not succeed. (Arg-None)

       Swaks    implements    the    Proxy    protocol    as     defined     in
       <>.      Proxy
       allows an application load balancer, such as  HAProxy,  to  be  used  in
       front  of  an MTA while still allowing the MTA access to the originating
       host information.  Proxy support in Swaks allows direct  testing  of  an
       MTA  configured  to  expect  requests  from a proxy, bypassing the proxy
       itself during testing.

       Swaks makes no  effort  to  ensure  that  the  Proxy  options  used  are
       internally consistent.  For instance, "--proxy-family" (in version 1) is
       expected  to  be one of "TCP4" or "TCP6".  While it will likely not make
       sense to the target server,  Swaks  makes  no  attempt  to  ensure  that
       "--proxy-source"  and  "--proxy-dest" are in the same protocol family as
       "--proxy-family" or each other.

       The "--proxy" option is mutually exclusive with  all  other  "--proxy-*"
       options except "--proxy-version".

       When  "--proxy"  is not used, all of "--proxy-family", "--proxy-source",
       "--proxy-source-port",  "--proxy-dest",  and   "--proxy-dest-port"   are
       required.  Additionally, when "--proxy-version" is 2, "--proxy-protocol"
       and "--proxy-command" are optional.

       --proxy-version [ 1 | 2 ]
           Whether  to  use version 1 (human readable) or version 2 (binary) of
           the Proxy protocol.  Version 1 is the default.  Version  2  is  only
           implemented  through the "address block", and is roughly on par with
           the information provided in version 1. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       --proxy [<string>]
           This option provides the raw proxy string which will be sent to  the
           server.   The  protocol  prefix ("PROXY " for version 1, the 12-byte
           protocol header for  version  2)  can  be  present  or  not  in  the
           argument.   This option allows sending incomplete or malformed Proxy
           strings to a target server for testing.   This  option  is  mutually
           exclusive  with all other "--proxy-*" options which provide granular
           proxy information.

           Because version 2 of the Proxy protocol is a binary protocol,  there
           are  multiple  ways  to provide the argument to this option.  If the
           argument starts with "base64:", that prefix is stripped and the rest
           of the string is base64 decoded before use.  If the argument  starts
           with  "@"  it will be treated as a filename and the proxy value will
           be read from the file.  Any other value is assumed to be the literal
           value for the proxy string. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt, From-File)

       --proxy-family [<string>]
           For version 1, specifies  both  the  address  family  and  transport
           protocol.  The protocol defines TCP4 and TCP6.

           For  version  2,  specifies  only  the address family.  The protocol
           defines AF_UNSPEC, AF_INET, AF_INET6,  and  AF_UNIX.  (Arg-Required,

       --proxy-protocol [<string>]
           For  version  2,  specifies  the  transport  protocol.  The protocol
           defines UNSPEC, STREAM, and DGRAM.  The  default  is  STREAM.   This
           option is unused in version 1. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       --proxy-command [<string>]
           For  version  2,  specifies  the  transport  protocol.  The protocol
           defines LOCAL and PROXY.  The default  is  PROXY.   This  option  is
           unused in version 1. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt)

       --proxy-source [<string>]
           Specify the source address of the proxied connection. (Arg-Required,

       --proxy-source-port [<string>]
           Specify  the  source  port of the proxied connection. (Arg-Required,

       --proxy-dest [<string>]
           Specify the destination address of  the  proxied  connection.  (Arg-
           Required, From-Prompt)

       --proxy-dest-port [<string>]
           Specify  the  destination  port  of  the  proxied  connection. (Arg-
           Required, From-Prompt)

       These options pertain to the contents for the DATA portion of  the  SMTP
       transaction.   By  default  a  very  simple  message  is  sent.   If the
       "--attach" or  "--attach-body"  options  are  used,  Swaks  attempts  to
       upgrade to a MIME message.

       -d, --data [<data-portion>]
           Use argument as the entire contents of DATA.

           If no argument is provided, user will be prompted to supply value.

           If  the  argument "-" is provided the data will be read from "STDIN"
           with no prompt.

           If the argument starts with "@" it will be treated  as  a  filename.
           If  you  would  like to pass in an argument that starts with "@" and
           isn't a filename, prefix the argument with an additional  "@".   For
           example, "@file.txt" will force processing of file.txt.  @@data will
           use the string '@data'.

           If   the   argument   does   not   contain  any  literal  (0x0a)  or
           representative (0x5c, 0x6e or %NEWLINE%) newline characters, it will
           be treated as a filename.  If the file is open-able, the contents of
           the file will be used as the data portion.  If the  file  cannot  be
           opened, Swaks will error and exit.  The entire behavior described in
           this  paragraph  is  deprecated  and  will  be  removed  in a future
           release.  Instead use a leading  "@"  to  explicitly  set  that  the
           argument is a filename.

           Any other argument will be used as the DATA contents.

           The  value  can  be on one single line, with "\n" (ASCII 0x5c, 0x6e)
           representing where line breaks should be placed.  Leading dots  will
           be quoted.  Closing dot is not required but is allowed.  The default
           %FROM_ADDRESS%\nSubject:          test           %DATE%\nMessage-Id:
           <%MESSAGEID%>\nX-Mailer:            swaks           v%SWAKS_VERSION%

           Very basic token parsing is performed  on  the  DATA  portion.   The
           following  table  shows  the recognized tokens and their replacement
           values. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt, From-File)

               Replaced with the envelope-sender.

           %TO_ADDRESS%, ..TO_ADDRESS..
               Replaced  with  the  envelope-recipient(s)  set  by  the  "--to"

           %CC_ADDRESS%, ..CC_ADDRESS..
               Replaced  with  the  envelope-recipient(s)  set  by  the  "--cc"

           %BCC_ADDRESS%, ..BCC_ADDRESS..
               Replaced with  the  envelope-recipient(s)  set  by  the  "--bcc"

           %DATE%, ..DATE..
               Replaced  with  the  current  time  in  a  format  suitable  for
               standard module POSIX for timezone calculations.  If this module
               is unavailable or the current environment doesn't support the %z
               strftime format token (as on Windows) the date string will be in

           %MESSAGEID%, ..MESSAGEID..
               Replaced with a message ID string suitable for use in a Message-
               Id  header.  The value for this token will remain consistent for
               the life of the process.

               Replaced  with  the  version  of  the  currently-running   Swaks

           %NEW_HEADERS%, ..NEW_HEADERS..
               Replaced  with  the  contents  of the "--add-header" option.  If
               "--add-header" is not specified this token is simply removed.

           %BODY%, ..BODY..
               Replaced with the value specified by the "--body"  option.   See
               "--body" for default.

           %NEWLINE%, ..BODY..
               Replaced  with  carriage  return, newline (0x0d, 0x0a).  This is
               identical to using "\n"  (0x5c,  0x6e),  but  doesn't  have  the
               escaping concerns that the backslash can cause on the newline.

       -dab, --dump-as-body [<section>[,<section>[,...]]]
           If  "--dump-as-body"  is  used and no other option is used to change
           the default body of the message, the body is  replaced  with  output
           similar  to  the output of what is provided by "--dump".  "--dump"'s
           initial program capability stanza is not displayed, and  the  "data"
           section  is  not  included.   Additionally, "--dump" always includes
           passwords.  By default "--dump-as-body" does not include  passwords,
           though  this  can  be  changed with "--dump-as-body-shows-password".
           "--dump-as-body" takes the same arguments  as  "--dump"  except  the
           SUPPORT and DATA arguments are not supported. (Arg-Optional)

       -dabsp, --dump-as-body-shows-password
           Cause  "--dump-as-body" to include plaintext passwords.  This option
           is not recommended.  This  option  implies  "--dump-as-body".  (Arg-

       --body [<body-specification>]
           Specify  the  body  of  the  email.   The default is "This is a test
           mailing".  If no argument to "--body" is given, prompt to supply one
           interactively.  If "-" is supplied,  the  body  will  be  read  from
           standard  input.   Arguments  beginning  with "@" will be treated as
           filenames containing the body data to use  (see  "--data"  for  more

           If, after the above processing, the argument represents an open-able
           file,  the  content  of  that  file  is  used  as the body.  This is
           deprecated behavior  and  will  be  removed  in  a  future  release.
           Instead  use  a leading "@" to explicitly set that the argument is a

           If the message is forced to MIME  format  (see  "--attach")  "--body
           'body  text'" is the same as "--attach-type text/plain --attach-body
           'body  text'".   See  "--attach-body"  for  details  on  creating  a
           multipart/alternative body. (Arg-Required, From-Prompt, From-File)

       --attach [<attachment-specification>]
           When  one  or  more  "--attach"  option  is supplied, the message is
           changed into a  multipart/mixed  MIME  message.   The  arguments  to
           "--attach"  are  processed  the  same  as  "--body"  with respect to
           "STDIN", file contents, etc.  "--attach" can  be  supplied  multiple
           times  to  create multiple attachments.  By default, each attachment
           is   attached   as   an    application/octet-stream    file.     See
           "--attach-type" for changing this behavior.

           If  the contents of the attachment are provided via a file name, the
           MIME encoding will include that file name.  See "--attach-name"  for
           more detail on file naming.

           It  is  legal  for  "-"  ("STDIN")  to  be  specified as an argument
           multiple  times  (once  for  "--body"   and   multiple   times   for
           "--attach").   In  this case, the same content will be attached each
           time it is specified.  This is useful for attaching the same content
           with multiple MIME types. (Arg-Required, From-File)

       --attach-body [<body-specification>]
           This is a variation on "--attach" that is specifically for the  body
           part  of the email.  It behaves identically to "--attach" in that it
           takes the same arguments and forces the creation of a MIME  message.
           However,  it  is  different  in that the argument will always be the
           first MIME part in the message, no matter where in option processing
           order it  is  encountered.   Additionally,  "--attach-body"  options
           stack  to  allow  creation  of  multipart/alternative  bodies.   For
           example, "--attach-type text/plain --attach-body 'plain  text  body'
           --attach-type  text/html  --attach-body  'html body'" would create a
           multipart/alternative message body. (Arg-Required, From-File)

       --attach-type <mime-type>
           By default, content that gets MIME attached to a  message  with  the
           "--attach" option is encoded as application/octet-stream (except for
           the  body, which is text/plain by default).  "--attach-type" changes
           the mime type for every "--attach" option which follows it.  It  can
           be  specified  multiple  times.  The current MIME type gets reset to
           application/octet-stream between processing  body  parts  and  other
           parts. (Arg-Required)

       --attach-name [<name>]
           This option sets the filename that will be included in the MIME part
           created  for  the next "--attach" option.  If no argument is set for
           this option, it causes no filename information to  be  included  for
           the  next  MIME part, even if Swaks could generate it from the local
           file name. (Arg-Optional)

       -ah, --add-header <header>
           This  option  allows  headers  to  be  added  to   the   DATA.    If
           "%NEW_HEADERS%"  is  present  in  the  DATA  it is replaced with the
           argument to this option.  If "%NEW_HEADERS%"  is  not  present,  the
           argument  is  inserted between the first two consecutive newlines in
           the DATA (that is, it  is  inserted  at  the  end  of  the  existing

           The  option  can either be specified multiple times or a single time
           with multiple headers separated  by  a  literal  "\n"  string.   So,
           "--add-header  'Foo: bar' --add-header 'Baz: foo'" and "--add-header
           'Foo: bar\nBaz: foo'" end up adding  the  same  two  headers.  (Arg-

       --header <header-and-data>, --h-<header> <data>
           These  options  allow  a way to change headers that already exist in
           the DATA.  "--header  'Subject:  foo'"  and  "--h-Subject  foo"  are
           equivalent.   If  the header does not already exist in the data then
           this argument behaves identically to  "--add-header".   However,  if
           the  header  already  exists  it is replaced with the one specified.
           Negating the version of this option with  the  header  name  in  the
           option   (eg   "--no-header-Subject")  will  remove  all  previously
           processed "--header" options, not just the ones used for  'Subject'.
           Embedding  the header name in the option via environment variable is
           not supported on Windows and will result in an error. (Arg-Required)

       -g  This option is  a  direct  alias  to  "--data  -"  (read  DATA  from
           "STDIN").   It  is totally secondary to "--data".  Any occurrence of
           "--data" will cause "-g" to  be  ignored.   This  option  cannot  be
           negated  with  the "no-" prefix.  This option is deprecated and will
           be removed in a future version of Swaks. (Arg-None, Deprecated)

       --no-data-fixup, -ndf
           This option forces Swaks to do no massaging of the DATA  portion  of
           the  email.   This  includes  token  replacement,  From_  stripping,
           trailing-dot addition, "--body"/attachment inclusion, and any header
           additions.  This option is only  useful  when  used  with  "--data",
           since the internal default DATA portion uses tokens. (Arg-None)

       --no-strip-from, -nsf
           Don't  strip the From_ line from the DATA portion, if present. (Arg-

       Swaks  provides  a  transcript  of  its  transactions  to   its   caller
       ("STDOUT"/"STDERR")  by default.  This transcript aims to be as faithful
       a representation as possible of the transaction though  it  does  modify
       this  output  by adding informational prefixes to lines and by providing
       plaintext versions of TLS transactions

       The "informational prefixes"  are  referred  to  as  transaction  hints.
       These  hints  are  initially  composed  of  those marking lines that are
       output of Swaks itself, either  informational  or  error  messages,  and
       those  that  indicate  a  line  of  data  actually sent or received in a
       transaction.  This table indicates the hints and their meanings:

           Indicates an informational line generated by Swaks.

           Indicates an error generated within Swaks.

       " ->"
           Indicates an expected line sent by Swaks to target server.

       " ~>"
           Indicates a TLS-encrypted, expected line sent  by  Swaks  to  target

           Indicates an unexpected line sent by Swaks to the target server.

           Indicates  a  TLS-encrypted, unexpected line sent by Swaks to target

       "  >"
           Indicates a raw chunk of text sent by Swaks to a target server  (see
           "--show-raw-text").    There   is   no   concept  of  "expected"  or
           "unexpected" at this level.

       "<- "
           Indicates an expected line sent by target server to Swaks.

       "<~ "
           Indicates a TLS-encrypted, expected line sent by  target  server  to

           Indicates an unexpected line sent by target server to Swaks.

           Indicates  a TLS-encrypted, unexpected line sent by target server to

       "<  "
           Indicates a raw chunk of text received by Swaks from a target server
           (see "--show-raw-text").  There  is  no  concept  of  "expected"  or
           "unexpected" at this level.

       The  following  options  control what and how output is displayed to the

       -n, --suppress-data
           Summarizes the DATA portion  of  the  SMTP  transaction  instead  of
           printing  every  line.   This  option  is very helpful, bordering on
           required, when using Swaks to send certain test emails.  Emails with
           attachments, for instance, will quickly overwhelm a terminal if  the
           DATA is not suppressed. (Arg-None)

       -stl, --show-time-lapse [i]
           Display  time lapse between send/receive pairs.  This option is most
           useful when Time::HiRes is available, in which case the  time  lapse
           will  be  displayed  in  thousandths of a second.  If Time::HiRes is
           unavailable or "i" is  given  as  an  argument  the  lapse  will  be
           displayed in integer seconds only. (Arg-Optional)

           Don't  display  the transaction hint for informational transactions.
           This is most useful  when  needing  to  copy  some  portion  of  the
           informational  lines,  for  instance  the  certificate  output  from
           "--tls-get-peer-cert". (Arg-None)

       -nih, --no-info-hints
       -nsh, --no-send-hints
       -nrh, --no-receive-hints
       -nth, --no-hints
           "--no-info-hints",   "--no-send-hints",   and   "--no-receive-hints"
           suppress  the  transaction hints from info, send, and receive lines,
           respectively.  This is often useful when copying some portion of the
           transaction  for  use  elsewhere  (for  instance,   "--no-send-hints
           --hide-receive --hide-informational" is a useful way to get only the
           client-side  commands  for  a given transaction and "--no-info-hints
           --tls-get-peer-cert"   for   copying    the    peer    certificate).
           "--no-hints"    is    identical   to   specifying   "--no-info-hints
           --no-send-hints --no-receive-hints". (Arg-None)

       -raw, --show-raw-text
           This option will print a hex dump of raw data sent and  received  by
           Swaks.   Each  hex dump is the contents of a single read or write on
           the network.  This should be identical  to  what  is  already  being
           displayed (with the exception of the "\r" characters being removed).
           This  option  is  useful  in seeing details when servers are sending
           lots of data in single packets, or breaking up individual lines into
           multiple packets.  If you really need to go in depth  in  that  area
           you're  probably  better with a packet sniffer, but this option is a
           good first step to seeing odd connection issues. (Arg-None)

       --output, --output-file <file-path>
       --output-file-stdout <file-path>
       --output-file-stderr <file-path>
           These options allow the user to send  output  to  files  instead  of
           "STDOUT"/"STDERR".   The  first  option sends both to the same file.
           The  arguments  of  &STDOUT  and  &STDERR  are  treated   specially,
           referring  to  the  "normal"  file handles, so "--output-file-stderr
           '&STDOUT'" would redirect "STDERR" to "STDOUT".  These  options  are
           honored  for  all  output  except  "--help"  and  "--version". (Arg-

       -pp, --protect-prompt
           Don't echo user input on  prompts  that  are  potentially  sensitive
           (right  now  only  authentication password).  Very specifically, any
           option which is marked 'Sensitive' and  eventually  prompts  for  an
           argument  will  do its best to mask that argument from being echoed.
           See also "--auth-hide-password". (Arg-None)

       -hr, --hide-receive
           Don't display lines sent from the remote server  being  received  by
           Swaks. (Arg-None)

       -hs, --hide-send
           Don't  display lines being sent by Swaks to the remote server. (Arg-

       -hi, --hide-informational
           Don't display non-error informational lines from Swaks itself. (Arg-

       -ha, --hide-all
           Do not display any content to the terminal. (Arg-None)

       -S, --silent [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
           Cause Swaks to be silent.  If no argument is given or if an argument
           of "1" is given, print no output unless/until an error occurs, after
           which all output is shown.  If an argument of  "2"  is  given,  only
           print  errors.   If  "3"  is given, show no output ever.  "--silent"
           affects  most  output  but  not  all.    For   instance,   "--help",
           "--version",  "--dump",  and  "--dump-mail"  are  not affected.  For
           historical reasons, -S is not settable via environment  variable  on
           Windows, use SWAKS_OPT_silent instead. (Arg-Optional)

           Print  capabilities and exit.  Certain features require non-standard
           Perl modules.  This  option  evaluates  whether  these  modules  are
           present  and  displays  which  functionality  is available and which
           isn't, and which modules would need to be added to gain the  missing
           functionality. (Arg-None)

           Cause  Swaks to process all options to generate the message it would
           send, then print that message to "STDOUT"  instead  of  sending  it.
           This  output  is identical to the "data" section of "--dump", except
           without the trailing dot. (Arg-None)

       --dump [<section>[,<section>[,...]]]
           This option causes Swaks to print the results of option  processing,
           immediately  before mail would have been sent.  No mail will be sent
           when "--dump" is used.  Note that "--dump" is a pure  self-diagnosis
           tool and no effort is made or will ever be made to mask passwords in
           the "--dump" output. If a section is provided as an argument to this
           option,  only  the  requested  section  will  be  shown.   Currently
           supported arguments are SUPPORT, APP, OUTPUT,  TRANSPORT,  PROTOCOL,
           XCLIENT,  PROXY,  TLS,  AUTH,  DATA,  and  ALL.   If  no argument is
           provided, all sections are displayed (Arg-Optional)

           Display this help information and exit. (Arg-None)

           Display version information and exit. (Arg-None)

       The following features are deprecated and will be removed  in  a  future
       version of Swaks

       use of IO::Socket and IO::Socket::INET6 modules
           Will be removed no sooner than (February 1, 2025).

           The  primary  method  of  sending  over  IPv4  and  IPv6  sockets is
           implemented with the IO::Socket::IP  module.   For  the  time  being
           there    is   still   legacy   support   of   the   IO::Socket   and
           IO::Socket::INET6 modules which were previously used.  Please ensure
           IO::Socket::IP is installed to ensure future functionality.

           This program was primarily intended for use on  UNIX-like  operating
           systems,  and  it should work on any reasonable version thereof.  It
           has been developed and tested on Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X and is
           feature complete on all of these.

           This program is known to demonstrate basic functionality on  Windows
           using  Strawberry  Perl.   In  all  documentation,  unless otherwise
           noted, "Windows" refers to running Swaks via  CMD.exe,  not  WSL  or
           cygwin.   It  has not been fully tested, but known to work are basic
           SMTP functionality and the LOGIN, PLAIN, and  CRAM-MD5  auth  types.
           Unknown  is  any  TLS  functionality and the NTLM/SPA and DIGEST-MD5
           auth types.  Some functionality is known to be limited  on  Windows,
           including  inability  to  embed header name in environment variables
           (see  "CONFIGURATION   ENVIRONMENT   VARIABLES"   and   "--header"),
           inability  to  generate  a  local-timezone date string (see "%DATE%"
           token  under  "--data"),  inability  to  use  "-S"  option   as   an
           environment  variable (see "--silent"), and inability to have a "set
           but empty" value in  an  environment  variable  (see  "CONFIGURATION
           ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" for workaround).

           Because  this  program  should  work  anywhere  Perl  works, I would
           appreciate knowing about any new operating systems you've thoroughly
           used Swaks on as well as any problems encountered on a new OS.

           This program was almost  exclusively  developed  against  Exim  mail
           servers.   It  has  been  used  casually  by  the author, though not
           thoroughly  tested,   with   Sendmail,   Smail,   Exchange,   Oracle
           Collaboration   Suite,   qpsmtpd,   and  Communigate.   Because  all
           functionality in Swaks is based on known standards  it  should  work
           with  any  fairly modern mail server.  If a problem is found, please
           alert the author at the address below.

           If Swaks must create a sender  address,  $LOGNAME  is  used  as  the
           message  local-part  if  it is set, and unless "--force-getpwuid" is

           Used when searching for a .swaksrc configuration file.   See  OPTION

           Environment  variable  prefix  used  to  specify  Swaks options from
           environment variables.   See  OPTION  PROCESSING  ->  "CONFIGURATION
           ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" above.

       0   no errors occurred

       1   error parsing command line options

       2   error connecting to remote server

       3   unknown connection type

       4   while  running with connection type of "pipe", fatal problem writing
           to or reading from the child process

       5   while running with connection type of  "pipe",  child  process  died
           unexpectedly.   This  can  mean  that  the  program  specified  with
           "--pipe" doesn't exist.

       6   Connection  closed  unexpectedly.   If  the  close  is  detected  in
           response to the 'QUIT' Swaks sends following an unexpected response,
           the  error  code  for that unexpected response is used instead.  For
           instance, if a mail server returns a 550 response to  a  MAIL  FROM:
           and  then  immediately closes the connection, Swaks detects that the
           connection is closed, but uses the more specific  exit  code  23  to
           detail  the  nature  of the failure.  If instead the server return a
           250 code and then immediately closes the connection, Swaks will  use
           the exit code 6 because there is not a more specific exit code.

       10  error in prerequisites (needed module not available)

       21  error reading initial banner from server

       22  error in HELO transaction

       23  error in MAIL transaction

       24  no RCPTs accepted

       25  server returned error to DATA request

       26  server did not accept mail following data

       27  server returned error after normal-session quit request

       28  error in AUTH transaction

       29  error in TLS transaction

       30  PRDR requested/required but not advertised

       32  error in EHLO following TLS negotiation

       33  error in XCLIENT transaction

       34  error in EHLO following XCLIENT

       35  error in PROXY option processing

       36  error sending PROXY banner

       The name "Swaks" is a (sort-of) acronym for "SWiss Army Knife SMTP".  It
       was  chosen  to  be fairly distinct and pronounceable.  While "Swaks" is
       unique as the name of a  software  package,  it  has  some  other,  non-
       software  meanings.   Please send in other uses of "swak" or "swaks" for

       "Sealed With A Kiss"
           SWAK/SWAKs turns up occasionally on the internet  with  the  meaning
           "with love".

       bad / poor / ill (Afrikaans)
           Seen  in  the  headline "SA se bes en swaks gekledes in 2011", which
           was translated as "best  and  worst  dressed"  by  native  speakers.
           Google   Translate  doesn't  like  "swaks  gekledes",  but  it  will
           translate "swak" as "poor" and "swak geklede" as "ill-dressed".

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  it
       under  the  terms  of the GNU General Public License as published by the
       Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or  (at  your
       option) any later version.

       This  program  is  distributed  in  the hope that it will be useful, but
       WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY;   without   even   the   implied   warranty   of
       General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along
       with  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

       General    contact,    questions,    patches,    requests,    etc     to
       [email protected].

       Change   logs,   this   help,  and  the  latest  version  are  found  at

       Swaks is crafted with love  by  John  Jetmore  from  the  cornfields  of
       Indiana, United States of America.

           [email protected]

           If  you would like to be put on a list to receive notifications when
           a new version of Swaks is released, please send  an  email  to  this
           address.  There will not be a response to your email.


       RSS Feed


perl v5.36.0                       2024-01-05                          SWAKS(1)

Updated on: 2024-Aug-14